Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Seminary Agenda 8/27/2014-Intro to Doctrine and Covenants

Opening Song-
Opening Prayer-

What books do you think the entire world would benefit from reading?
Why? (Display a few books)

"The Doctrine and Covenants is the foundation of the Church in these last days, and a benefit to the world, showing that the keys of the mysteries of the kingdom of our Savior are again entrusted to man"

President Joseph Fielding Smith declared that "it is worth more to us than the riches of the earth"

What are your thoughts about this statement?

What is Doctrine?
8th paragraph of the introduction to D&C

What is a Covenant?
How does it work and what is it predicated upon?

What is revelation?
How does one receive revelation?

What doctrines of the church interest you to learn more about?

How does understanding Doctrines benefit you during your life?

Why is a testimony of the Savior Valuable?

Whose Voice do we hear speak to us throughout the D&C?
1st paragraph of the D&C.

D&C 18:34-36
How do we hear the voice of the Savior as we study the D&C?
Based on this scripture what can you now testify of?

What words are used to describe the Saviors Voice?
3rd Paragraph of the intro.

In the Doctrine & Covenants, terms such as "the Lord" or "God" generally refer to Jesus Christ.  He is the speaker throughout the Doctrine and Covenants.

What benefits can come to your life from being able to hear and recognize the voice of the Lord?

Why do you think studying the doctrine and covenants will benefit you life?
6th Paragraph of the Intro.

What situations come up during the school year in which you could benefit from the the Lord's guidance?

When have you faced a situation in which you needed the Lords help or guidance and you received it?

Take a minute and write in a notebook or journal how you hope the D&C will benefit your lives and what you will do the help this happen.

12 Apostles Testimony in the Intro
Which phrases from the 12 apostles testimony of the doctrine and covenants stand out to you and why?

I challenge you to study and pray about the Doctrine and Covenants every day during the school year and hope that you will learn to hear the Savior's voice and receive guidance from him.

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