Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day One Entry: Nov 25, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 50

Today we discussed doctrine and covenants section 50. This section has a lot to deal with understanding evil spirits and spirits not of God. we discussed why it's important to be able to discern an evil spirit.we discussed that we are responsible for discerning evil spirits ourselves, it is not up to our leaders or our bishops, it is up to us. we talked about when we are called to a calling and or or Dean that we have power sufficient to that calling. That it gives us power over evil spirits as long as we are teaching by the Spirit.

What does it mean to be edified?
Are there evil spirits abroad in the land?
How does Satan gain power?
Why do evil spirits attempt to interact with us in mortality?
How do we discern an evil spirit?
How are we to preach the gospel?

39° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Monday, November 24, 2014

Day One Entry: Nov 24, 2014

Doctrine and covenants 49 journal

Today we reviewed doctrine and covenants 49, Lehman Copley joined the church he formally belonged to the shaker sect. The shakers had many incorrect beliefs and doctrines they taught, some of which were:The second coming had already occurred and Christ had appeared as a woman, Ann Lee, they for bid the eating of meat, they believed in celibacy and no marriage,they did not believe the baptism by immersion was necessary or baptism itself was necessary.

We discussed some of these beliefs and some of the challenges they pose. We also discussed how Satan puts out traps for us trying to trick us and trap us into doing the things that are wrong. We had an object lesson about a monkey trap and how if we get our hands stuck in the trap often we can't pull it out.

What is the Lords doctrine about marriage?
What has the Lord revealed as a relates to the second coming in knowing when it will occur?
What did the Lord revealed in section 49 about baptism and confirmation?
What does the Lord say in section 49 about the eating of meat?
What are some traps that we find ourselves getting stock in today? How do we avoid them?
Why is it problematic to pick and choose from a smorgasbord of truth? Why does the profit counsel to except all truth and live it?

45° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Day One Entry: Nov 19, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants 45 versus 16 through the end
Mthis morning we talked about the second coming of Christ and many of the signs that will occur before his coming. we talked about the need to be prepared for the second coming and referenced the parable of the 10 virgins.


What are some of the signs that have occurred that were prophesied would occur before the second coming of Christ?

What are some of the things still to come before the second coming?

What will be going on in Jerusalem right before the second coming?

Interesting little fact what building is built on the mount of all it's where Christ will come during the second coming?

What does it mean to stand in a holy place?

What makes the place holy?

In the parable of the 10 virgins who did the virgins represents?

What does the oil represent?

How do you add oil to your lamp?

How are you preparing today for the second coming of Jesus Christ?

43° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day One Entry: Nov 18, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 45 verses one through 15

Today we discussed what it means to be an offspring of God. What blessings come from this. we talked about how God has power to do all things that he was able to create all things and that man is very weak comparatively. we talked about how it is important to orient ourselves towards God, putting first things first and realizing that if we rely on God he makes all other things easier.finally we talked about needing an advocate, and how Christ is the advocate that was chosen for us.specifically we reviewed Isaiah chapter 59. In that chapter God takes us through what life would've been like without an advocate, his reasoning for an advocate, and then what an advocate can do for us.

Why is it important to know that you are a child of God?
Being a child of God allows for certain things what are they?
Why is it important to recognize that God has all power?
How does this knowledge impact you? How should it impact you?
What is the log justice?
What is an advocate? What is his job and why do we need him?
Why is Christ the perfect advocate?

39° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Friday, November 14, 2014

Day One Entry: Nov 14, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants 43 and 44

We discuss this morning several different doctrines from doctrine and covenants 43 and 44.we talked about how important prophets are again. We discussed first Kings 11 about Elijah the prophet. We discussed how Elijah use the sealing power to cause a famine in the land through drought, we discussed how he allowed the woman to exercise her faith and bring him a cake and how the meal and the oil was able to hold out during the famine. We also discussed when the woman's child died, how the prophet was able to bring him back to life. All of these things can relate to us and we discuss the different ways these things relate to us. Next we talked about purity and what it means when God says that he will have a pure people. We talked about sex and how the Lord views sex and how it should be used inside of marriage as a wonderful gift. We talked about agency as it relates to sex and why it's a sin to have sexual relations outside of marriage. Finally we talked about the millennial period, where Satan will be bound by our choices. We talked about the millennium and what that would look like and how at the end of the millennium people would choose to be wicked again and thus loose Satan.

How can prophets bless our life?
How do prophets challenge us to have faith?
Why is it important that we sustain our prophet?
What does it mean to be morally pure?
How does pornography ruling moral purity?
Is sex bad? How does the Lord view sexual relations?
During the millennial. What binds Satan?
At the millennium who is taken from the earth?

57° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Day One Entry: Nov 13, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 43

Today we discuss section 43, we learned about prophets and how the Lord appointed Joseph Smith to be the one that receives revelation on this earth. during this section there were other people who were receiving revelations and claiming to be able to teach the Saints, section 43 came as an answer to Joseph's inquiry about this. we discussed how we can always have faith in the prophet. According to Wilford Woodruff, the Lord will not allow his prophet to lead the people astray. We talked about how if the prophet loses his gift of being a seer or prophet, that he has the ability to appoint somebody in his stead. we shared some examples of this happening in the Old Testament and even in the book of Mormon how there were some prophets that called other prophets as they were leaving this earth life. we talked about in our day how this is less likely to happen simply because we have an entire first presidency and quorum of 12 apostles. We discussed the Holy Ghost and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and how when we are baptized we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift allows us to receive the Holy Ghost's influence through all parts of our life. We talked about how knowledge is action or should lead to action. An example would be as somebody is studying about the church or we were teaching somebody about the church on a mission, we should challenge them to be baptized. Knowledge should lead to action.

What is a prophet?
What is a seer?
Can someone other than the prophet receive revelation for the entire church?
Can a prophet lead the entire church astray?
What does it mean to edify?
What is the difference between the gift of the Holy Ghost and the influence of the Holy Ghost?
Explain the parable of the shepherd going through the door to his sheepfold as described in John chapter 10 versus one through five and how that compares to Doctrine and Covenants section 43 verse seven.
In John who is the shepherd?
Who is the Porter?

55° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day One Entry: Nov 12, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 41

Today we discuss Dr. and covenants section 41. We learned about harkening and listening to the Lord. we discussed how the Lord delights to bless his children. we discussed how important it is to be unified in doctrine and unified in our faith.

What does it mean to hearken and hear?
What is the greatest gift God can give to us?
What is the greatest cursing God can curse us with?
What is hypocripsy?
Why does the Lord hate hypocrisy?
What does it mean to be unified in the faith?
What does it mean to be unified in doctrine?
How is being unified in doctrine helpful?
How are bishops called?

54° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Friday, November 7, 2014

Day One Entry: Nov 7, 2014

Seminary journal Friday, November 7, 2014

Great day in seminary today, we went over the rest of doctrine and covenants 42. we talked about the Kirtland temple and why the Kirtland temple was important to be established. It allowed the Saints to receive endowments and he brought back three specific keys to the earth. Moses brought back the gathering keys, Elijah brought back the ceiling keys, and Elias brought back the keys associated with temple work.

In addition at this point the Saints Raible to start going out on missions in greater numbers. The Lord prepare the Saints my moving them to Ohio,not only did they receive the temple blessings, but now they have great access to transportation and it was easier for the Saints to depart on missions.

In addition many other revelations were received at this time namely section 76, 89, 107, and 137. Joseph Smith also began his translation of the Bible
With this great outpouring of the Spirit in these wonderful spiritual blessings Satan was still on the hunt for the souls of men. persecutions increased the Saints were tormented, and ultimately the Saints had to leave Ohio because of the persecution and the fear of their lives that they had.

What is an endowment? Why are endowments important? What endowments happen in the temple, and why is the temple endowment important for missionary work? Why does the Lord send out missionaries two by two? what are some reasons the Lord sent the Saints to Ohio?

54° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Day One Entry: Nov 6, 2014

Seminary journal Thursday, November 6, 2014

Today we discussed Dr. and covenants section 42, specifically the laws established by Christ for the Saints as they arrived to Kirtland Ohio.we talked about the Lord taking time to read a rate some of the 10 Commandments, as well as establishing the law of consecration.we had a good discussion around a lot consecration.

Questions for class:

Why did the Lord take the time to reiterate some of the Commandments at the stage?

What is the law of consecration?

When will we live the law of consecration again?

Will you have a job during the millennium? What do you do with your excess income from your job?

During the millennium what will be considered old age?

50° Clear
7009 Aliante Pkwy, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Day One Entry: Nov 5, 2014

Seminary journal

Today we talked about doctrine and covenants chapter 39 and 40.some themes that were discussed werebecoming Christ sons and daughters and what it takes to become those.Pride and how pride prevents us from receiving the Gospel.we discuss watchman on the tower and want to watch me this today who he is today, as well as how we prepare our hearts to receive the gospel. We reviewed the parable of the sower in Mark.

Some questions for review
How do you become cry sons and daughters?
What is pride? How does pride damage your ability to feel the spirit?
Why does darkness not comprehend the light?
How do you prepare your hearts to be fertile ground instead of the wayside?

52° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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