Monday, November 24, 2014

Day One Entry: Nov 24, 2014

Doctrine and covenants 49 journal

Today we reviewed doctrine and covenants 49, Lehman Copley joined the church he formally belonged to the shaker sect. The shakers had many incorrect beliefs and doctrines they taught, some of which were:The second coming had already occurred and Christ had appeared as a woman, Ann Lee, they for bid the eating of meat, they believed in celibacy and no marriage,they did not believe the baptism by immersion was necessary or baptism itself was necessary.

We discussed some of these beliefs and some of the challenges they pose. We also discussed how Satan puts out traps for us trying to trick us and trap us into doing the things that are wrong. We had an object lesson about a monkey trap and how if we get our hands stuck in the trap often we can't pull it out.

What is the Lords doctrine about marriage?
What has the Lord revealed as a relates to the second coming in knowing when it will occur?
What did the Lord revealed in section 49 about baptism and confirmation?
What does the Lord say in section 49 about the eating of meat?
What are some traps that we find ourselves getting stock in today? How do we avoid them?
Why is it problematic to pick and choose from a smorgasbord of truth? Why does the profit counsel to except all truth and live it?

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150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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