Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 63 versus 33 through 64
Today in seminary we had some surprise guests, Jessica Van Alfen, and Jay Sean Jensen. They can reported to us about their missions and bore their testimonies. It was wonderful to hear from them and they hear what they had learned on their missions in their testimonies about the importance of seminary. After they left we talked about doctrine and covenants section 63 verse 34. In this verse the Lord talks about the calamities that are going to before all the saints in the last days and he makes a statement that hardly will the saints escape these calamities. We referenced from there Daniel chapter 3 verses 17 and 18 in the Old Testament, where Shadrach Meshach and Abendego stand up to King Nebuchadnezzar and refused to worship his golden idol. The king throws them into the furnace and just before he does these three men tell the King that God will save them, but if not they will not worship these false gods. The but if not is so important in life when bad things happen to good people. it's important to recognize that our life is just a small part of the eternities and God saves the righteous through the eternities.
Can bath and is happened people that are keeping the Commandments?
Does that mean God does not love people who keep the Commandments?
Why do bad things happen to people to keep the Commandments?
How do you reconcile this in your minds from D&C section 63 first 34 and Daniel three verses 17 and 18.
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