Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 53
Today we started with a scripture in the Old Testament, second Kings chapter 6 versus 28 and 29. Noah Prusse shared the scripture in kind of a fun manner and I thought it was good to highlight some of the doctrines in this chapter. We discussed these verses and what it means to eat your children. Symbolically this can reference the idea that when you break covenants and don't keep Commandments you put your children and their future eternal perspective and progress at risk. We talked about the prophet Elisha, how he was the man of God, and how the Lord was with him as he was able to show his servant the chariots of fire and angels that compasses them about while being underseiged from the Syrians.
In doctrine and covenants 53 we talked about Sydney Gilbert. We talked about what it means to magnify callings and to take upon oneself an ordination. We also talked about what an agent is how an agent is appointed and what the difference is between an agent and a bishop as a relates to this chapter and doctrine and covenants 57.
What is the Lord talking about, symbolically, when he says that people can eat their sons and daughters?
Why does committing sin or breaking covenants not only affect you but have potential impact on others?
What does it mean to take upon oneself in ordination?
Why are we told to magnify callings?
Why is it prideful and problematic to compare ourselves with others?
What is the difference between an agent and a bishop?
A quote I shared in class:
From John H Groberg in his book In The Eye of the Storm
All that is important is you're standing in the sight of God, if that is as it should be nothing else matters; if that is not as it should be nothing else counts.
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