Friday, February 6, 2015

Day One Entry: Feb 6, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 87

Today we talked about this section, it's about future prophecies with some specifics about the Civil War.

What is the difference between a prophecy and a prediction? what were some of the prophecies with the prescribed to do's for Noah, Samuel the Lamanite, Joseph of Egypt, and Lehi? Why is it important to recognize that typically prophecies will have a to do list associated with them? Why?
In section 87 what are the different wars and what are the different prophecies that Joseph Smith was prophesying about in addition to the Civil War?
With unrest in South Carolina occurring at the time Joseph Smith got this prophecy how does that relate to the fact that Joseph Smith got the prophecy about South Carolina? What does this tell us about that is often occurring when prophets need to get revelation?

What are some Prophecies that our prophet has given us in the last 10 years? What are the prescribed to do's?

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