Thursday, December 18, 2014

Day One Entry: Dec 18, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 63 versus 33 through 64

Today in seminary we had some surprise guests, Jessica Van Alfen, and Jay Sean Jensen. They can reported to us about their missions and bore their testimonies. It was wonderful to hear from them and they hear what they had learned on their missions in their testimonies about the importance of seminary. After they left we talked about doctrine and covenants section 63 verse 34. In this verse the Lord talks about the calamities that are going to before all the saints in the last days and he makes a statement that hardly will the saints escape these calamities. We referenced from there Daniel chapter 3 verses 17 and 18 in the Old Testament, where Shadrach Meshach and Abendego stand up to King Nebuchadnezzar and refused to worship his golden idol. The king throws them into the furnace and just before he does these three men tell the King that God will save them, but if not they will not worship these false gods. The but if not is so important in life when bad things happen to good people. it's important to recognize that our life is just a small part of the eternities and God saves the righteous through the eternities.

Can bath and is happened people that are keeping the Commandments?
Does that mean God does not love people who keep the Commandments?
Why do bad things happen to people to keep the Commandments?
How do you reconcile this in your minds from D&C section 63 first 34 and Daniel three verses 17 and 18.

46° Cloudy
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day One Entry: Dec 16, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 63

In this section Joseph Smith has returned to Kirtland Ohio from Missouri. He in the brother are getting revelation for different aspects of the church.

We talked about seeking signs and why it is problematic to seek for a sign to develop faith. We learned that first faith and testimony have to be developed and then God gives signs to those who believe. However, signs do not come before belief and testimony. Also we talked about lust and adultery and how important it is to stay away from fornication or things that develop or cultivate sexual desire in us before we are married, and then only appropriately experienced in the context of marriage with our spouses.


Can Satan give signs? Can those signs be of good things or seemingly good things? Why is that problematic?
why would Satan give a good sign?
Why is it important for us to understand that we must develop faith and testimony and focus on that instead of focusing on receiving a sign?
What is lust?
Why does lust lead to sin?
What is sexual passion? Why is sexual passion sinful, or potentially sinful, outside of the bounds of marriage?
What is fornication? What is adultery? What is the difference?
Why is pornography so detrimental to our spirits? How is pornography related to lust fornication and adultery?

43° Cloudy
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Monday, December 15, 2014

Day One Entry: Dec 15, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 61 and 62

Today we talked about our testimony and how our testimony is recorded by the angels in heaven. We talked about Christ and God having power over all things on the earth. At the beginning of class we talked about this Christmas season and how there are so many wonderful charities out there to help other people that we can give to and support instead of just focusing on getting this Christmas season.

What are God's feelings about agency?
What does it mean when God says in the Scriptures, "it matter is not what you decide", as a relates to agency?
why are our sins forgiven as we preach the gospel?
what does it mean to be an advocate? Who is our advocate with God? What kind of relationship should we develop with our advocate?
Why do the angels in heaven record our testimonies? What is our book of life? Why should we be concerned with our book of life?

37° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day One Entry: Dec 11, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants 58 and 59

Today we started off class talking about how we need to use our own judgment in agency to do things to help others. God says not to have to be commanded in all things. I showed a video operation underground freedom about a group who goE&S out on it's own, and helps free children from sex slavery. it was an impact full video of an organization striving to not have to be commanded in all things.
We also talked about if we obey the Lord we are insured of the promises. However, if we don't keep our covenants and promises, we have no assurance from God. We talked about how this impacted soul when he did not keep the commandments to kill the Amalekites. Finally we discussed keeping the Sabbath day holy. God has counseled that we perform or sacraments and oblations on the Sabbathday. We discussed what oblations means.


Why does God say that we should not have to be commanded in all things?
What does that tell us about how God views are use of our agency?
Why is it important to be obedient to the commandments?
How does the Lord view obedience?
How does the Lord you disobedience?
What does it mean to keep the Sabbath day holy? What are oblations?
Why does God not give us a laundry list of what is allowed and what is not allowed?
What are the blessings that come from keeping the Sabbath day holy as outlined in doctrine and covenants section 59?

54° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Day One Entry: Dec 10, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 58 verses one through 33

Today we talked about doctrine and covenants section 58. We talked about how our choices in this life affect our eternal lives. We discussed how tribulation helps us to feel joy. We discussed the idea of the poor being welcomed by Christ and sitting down to a wonderful meal for keeping the Commandments of God. Finally we talked about bishops and what a judge in Israel is.

We segued on two different items, one was the beheading of John the Baptist by Harrod, and the other was in Jeremiah 15 where it talks about the children of Israel eating their sons and daughters.we discussed how the latter is symbolic for our choices will affect our posterity. When we choose to do wickedly it has an impact on our children and our children's children.

Why is tribulation necessary to feel joy?
Were adamant Eve joyous before they protect the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil?
why was John the Baptist killed? What do we learn about resurrection from John the Baptist?
Why do your choices affect your posterity?
How do your choices affect your posterity?
What is the rule of the Bishop has a judge?
What are two ways in which a bishop judges in Israel?

46° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Day One Entry: Dec 9, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants 57 and Elder Scott's talk from conference 2014.

We began class today by talking about elder Scott's talk from conference 2014, where in he describes for tools God is given us to protect us in these last days.these for tools our prayer, scripture study, family home evening, and the temple. we talked about these tools and how they can bless our lives, specifically Elder Scott pointed out that reading scriptures is more important than school work sleep and social media. I challenge the kids to try to be more thorough in their scripture reading and promised that it would bless them. we talked about habits and how habits are important, but that we can establish both good and bad habits, and it's important that we establish good habits.

We talked about doctrine and covenants 57 what it means to be a Zion like people, as well as how the Lord was orienting the Saints towards the temple as he established independence Missouri. we discussed how we should orients ourselves towards the temple and I challenge the kids to get and keep a limited use Temple recommend until they were able to replace it with a full temple recommend.


What is a habit?
How do habits help us, and how do you have it hurt us?
why is developing good scripture study, daily scripture study, and important have it for us and our lives?
Why does God want us to have frequent prayer with him?
How does prayer keep us focused on eternal things?
What does the word Zion mean?
Why is it important to orient ourselves Swarts the temple? What does it mean to orient yourself towards the temple?

46° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Monday, December 8, 2014

Day One Entry: Dec 8, 2014

Seminary journal lesson 61 Ohio and Missouri

Today we discussed about how there were two parts of the church at this time in church history. The church was located primarily in Kirtland Ohio and was starting to be established in Independence Missouri. we talked about Zion and strengthening the steaks in Zion as discussed in Isaiah chapter 54 verse two.

In addition the scripture was shared in Psalms that we discussed in class as well.

We discussed what it takes to build Zion and if those things apply today.


What are the steaks in Zion as described in Isaiah chapter 54 verse two?
What does it mean to be pure in heart?
what were some of the reasons the Lord gave as to why the people needed to go to Ohio from New York?
What were some of the reasons that the Saints began to move to Missouri?
how do you strengthen the stakes of Zion?
Where does Satan's power come from?
How does living the loft consecration, or the law of tithing, help us build Zion both temporally and spiritually?

50° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Day One Entry: Dec 4, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 56

Today we talked a lot about rebellion, and God's view of rebellion. We talked about the different times throughout the Scriptures we see rebellion and or murmuring, and the results of those actions. We talked about King Saul in first Samuel 15 and his disobedience in following the guidance of Samuel the prophet.


Why does rebellion bother the Lord so much?
What is rebellion?
How does rebellion impact agency?
What do we learn from first Samuel chapter 15 about obedience?
What was going on in doctrine and covenants 56 that the Lord felt it necessary to comment about rebellion?

54° Mist and Fog
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Day One Entry: Dec 3, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 53

Today we started with a scripture in the Old Testament, second Kings chapter 6 versus 28 and 29. Noah Prusse shared the scripture in kind of a fun manner and I thought it was good to highlight some of the doctrines in this chapter. We discussed these verses and what it means to eat your children. Symbolically this can reference the idea that when you break covenants and don't keep Commandments you put your children and their future eternal perspective and progress at risk. We talked about the prophet Elisha, how he was the man of God, and how the Lord was with him as he was able to show his servant the chariots of fire and angels that compasses them about while being underseiged from the Syrians.

In doctrine and covenants 53 we talked about Sydney Gilbert. We talked about what it means to magnify callings and to take upon oneself an ordination. We also talked about what an agent is how an agent is appointed and what the difference is between an agent and a bishop as a relates to this chapter and doctrine and covenants 57.


What is the Lord talking about, symbolically, when he says that people can eat their sons and daughters?

Why does committing sin or breaking covenants not only affect you but have potential impact on others?

What does it mean to take upon oneself in ordination?

Why are we told to magnify callings?
Why is it prideful and problematic to compare ourselves with others?
What is the difference between an agent and a bishop?

A quote I shared in class:
From John H Groberg in his book In The Eye of the Storm

All that is important is you're standing in the sight of God, if that is as it should be nothing else matters; if that is not as it should be nothing else counts.

50° Light Rain
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Day One Entry: Dec 2, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 52

We talked this morning about Independence Missouri and all of the different things that will occur in Missouri and in that region just prior to and then through the second coming. we talked about the prophet, Joseph Smith, being called to start to move the Saints towards Missouri from Ohio. we talked about general conferences and challenges and directives the prophets and apostles have given us. we talked about miracles and how Satan has the ability to perform miracles save reading our thoughts or giving us the feelings of the Spirit. We talked about how we can not be deceived by Satan if we will listen to the spirit and look for the fruits that come from miracles.

What are some significant events that the scriptures say will occur in Independence Missouri?
What is a miracle?
How does God perform miracles?
Can man perform miracles? How and by what power can they perform miracles? Why can he perform miracles?
What does God mean when he says that you can know them by their fruits?
Has Satan grown in power over the years?
Where does Satan's power come from?

52° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Monday, December 1, 2014

Day One Entry: Dec 1, 2014

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 51

Today we discussed doctrine and covenants section 51. We talked about Edward Partridge being the bishop and how he was helping the Saints live the celestial law as they came into Ohio.

What is the difference between fair and equal?
What is the celestial law?
In the Old Testament what do we learn about the celestial law?
In the Old Testament what was the significance of the Ark of the covenant being kept in the tabernacle?
What was in the Ark of the covenant?
What is the difference between communism and between the law of consecration?
What are two forms of government approved by our heavenly father?

48° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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