Tuesday, December 22, 2015

12/22/2015-TSA Can Now Force Passengers to Go Through Body Scanners

TSA Can Now Force Passengers to Go Through Body Scanners

From TIME.com, a Flipboard magazine by TIME.com

Before the change, people could choose a physical screening The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screeners at airports can now…

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Monday, April 27, 2015

Day One Entry: Apr 27, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 132 part two
Today we talked about plural marriage and the laws of marriage.

When is plural marriage justified? According to Jacob chapter 2 what is the standard marriage that the Lord commands us to enter into? Why is plural marriage justified when God justifies it? What was the purpose of plural marriage? In Genesis chapter 16 why was Abraham justified to take Hagar to wife? Whose child was Hagar's? Why?

59° Sunny
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Friday, April 24, 2015

Day One Entry: Apr 24, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 132 part one
Today we talked about marriage and the new and everlasting covenant of marriage.
What is the new and everlasting covenant? What applies to this new and everlasting covenant? What is the difference between eternal marriage and marriage for time?

57° Clear
7164–7174 Aliante Pkwy, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day One Entry: Apr 16, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 128
Today we talked about Joseph Smith and his letter to the Saints about ordinances and recordkeeping.

Questions: what is a passport? How is an ordinance similar to a passport? Who issues a passport? Who authorizes in ordinance? Where does a passport allow you to go? Where will and ordnance allow you to go? Why is recordkeeping important? What is the ceiling power have to do with ordinances?

50° Clear
1–517 E Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day One Entry: Apr 15, 2015

Today we talked about several sections, in section 125 we talked about the Saints moving into Iowa and the name they should name the city. We talked about the importance of names, we talked about where the name Zarahemla comes from and who Mulek was for a moment.

In doctoring covenants 126 we talked about Brigham Young and his early missions and the revelation as it pertains to Brigham Young.

In doctrine and covenants 127 we talk about Joseph Smith and how we should work to glory and tribulation and realize how tribulation makes us stronger.

Why are name's important to God? Who is Zarahemla? Where does the people of Mulek come from?

Why did the Lord tell Brigham Young that his offering was acceptable and that he should stay and take care of his family?

Why was Joseph Smith leaving the area in 1843 and sending this letter found in doctrine and covenants section 127 to the Saints?

What does it mean to glory and tribulation?

50° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Monday, April 13, 2015

Day One Entry: Apr 13, 2015

Seminary Journal doctrine and covenants section 124 part two
Today we talked about Joseph Smith and his revelation establishing a boarding house, and building the temple, and doing baptisms for the dead.
Why did the Lord have the Prophet build a boarding house?

why did the lord want a temple established in Nauvoo Illinois?
What happens in temple?
What sacrifices should one make to be able to attend the temple?
Why does the Lord want the temple built with gold, silver, and find antiquities?
What is the promise of temple attendance?

57° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Day One Entry: Apr 8, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 123
The Prophet Joseph Smith is still in liberty jail, and he instructs the Saints to document all of the ways that they are being oppressed so that they can appeal to the local governments for aid.
Why does the Prophet want the people to document all of their challenges at this time?
Why does the prophet, according to verse six, tell the people he is doing this?

Why does the Lord expect us to do all that we can do? Why is it important to realize that blessings come after this not before it typically?

50° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day One Entry: Mar 25, 2015

Doctrine and covenants section 119 and 120
The sections have to do with the establishment, or reestablishment, of the law of tithing a monks the Lords people.

What is the law of tithing? Where is one of the seminal scriptures on tithing that we use in missionary work? What is a tithe? Why is the Lord giving a revelation on the law of tithing at this time historically? Who decides how to use tithing monies?

64° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Day One Entry: Mar 20, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section is 113 and 114
Today we talked about doctoring covenants 113 primarily. We talked about Isaiah chapter 11 verses one through five. In these verses we learn about the stem of Jesse will produce a rod and that Rod Will grow into a tree inform branches and the route will nourish the tree. Joseph Smith pose the question to the Lord and asked what these things are. We learn about what they are in doctrine and covenants 113.
What is the stem of Jesse? Why is it important? Who is Jesse? What is the rod? What are the roots? Why does the Lord teach with symbols?

54° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day One Entry: Mar 18, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 112
Today we talked about Thomas B Marsh and his challenges as it relates to keeping his pride in check and following the prophet.

What does it mean to abase oneself? How do we become humble? Why is humility important in our lives and in our relationship with God? What keys does the quorum of the 12 apostles have? Who directs missionary work on the earth? What are the blessings promised if we become humble?

63° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day One Entry: Mar 17, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 111
In this section the church is deeply in debt because of the building of the temple and the Saints being driven from their lands by mobs, and the law of consecration and instituting it.
What things cause stress and anxiety in life, and why? What is the common factor in all things that cause stress and anxiety?
What was the war in heaven fought over? How is that the root of the stress and anxiety we typically feel on this earth over various and sundry issues? How does sin multiply stresses and anxieties? Why are we counseled to stay out of debt? How does this relate to stress and anxiety?

Why does the Lord and verse one tell Joseph that his intentions were folly?
What were the treasures in new England that the Lord was excited for Joseph to find?

55° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Day One Entry: Mar 16, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 110
In this section we read about Joseph Smith and Olive Cowdrey praying and Jesus Christ coming and visiting them in the temple. We also read how they were visited by Moses, Elias, and Elijah.
What happened to Joseph Smith and all of her Cowdrey when they prayed at the pulpit? How did they describe Jesus Christ? I would you I felt had you had that experience?
What keys did Moses, Elias, and Elijah restore to Joseph Smith and all of her, and what did those keys direct?

57° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day One Entry: Mar 12, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 109
Today we talked about the dedicatory prayer for the Kirtland Ohio Temple.

What are some of the blessings associated with the temple?
Why did the Saints want to build the temple? What is a soul? What are some of the promise associated with the temple?

57° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day One Entry: Mar 10, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 105

Today we talked about Zion's camp.

what was science camp? According to D&C 103 how many people did the Lord desire to go to science camp? How many people actually went on Zion's camp? what were some of the challenges the Saints in Missouri were facing?why were they facing these challenges? Why did the Lord not allow Zions camp to go in and drive out the persecutors in the mops and establish Zion?

52° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Monday, March 9, 2015

Day One Entry: Mar 9, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 104

Today we talked about the United firm, the United order, and how it worked with the Saints early on.

why did the united firm fail? What is covetousness? Why does the Lord turn us over to the buffetings of Satan?why does the Lord commands Saints to do things that he knows ultimately will fail? Why is striving to do good things worthwhile regardless of success or failure?

57° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day One Entry: Mar 4, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 102

This section is about high Council's and church disciplinary processes.

what is one primary duty of high Council's? Who presides in a high Council? If the stake president is gone Who may preside at the meeting?what are the purposes of church disciplinary councils? What are the three reasons for holding a church disciplinary counsel?can disciplinary counsel's be appealed? To whom?Who makes the decision in a council? Why?

41° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day One Entry: Mar 3, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 101

Today we got a little sidetracked and talk quite a bit about men and women any quality. Our scripture, Noah shared, from first Timothy chapter 2 verses 11 and 12. Timothy says let the women be silent, so we talked about gender equality and how God views equality, and how more importantly, he views individuals in people's abilities and opportunities. We then related it to Dr. and covenants section 101 as we talked about emnity, Watchmen on the watch Tower.

How does God view equality? What is the difference between equality and sameness? According to God, what are the rules of men and women? (It would help to look at the proclamation to the family) what is a watchman on the watch Tower? Why is it imperative that the watchmen warn the people? What is the penalty for not warning the people?

41° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Monday, March 2, 2015

Day One Entry: Mar 2, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section's 99 and 100

Today we talked about John Murdoch, and his many sacrifices as he serve the Lord faithfully as a missionary. We also discussed missionary work and what the Lord expects of us. We also discussed what it means to represent Jesus Christ.

What were some of the sacrifices John Murdoch made to serve his second mission for the Lord? Why does the Lord require us to make sacrifices in this life? Why is serving the Lord more important then other things?

As we serve the Lord, what will the Lord do for us and our families based on sections 99 and 100?

45° Light Rain
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day One Entry: Feb 26, 2015

Seminary journal D&C 97

Today we talked about doctrine and covenants section 97, party Pratt is teaching in the school, and the Lord is giving instructions about it.

Why does the Lord state that he is justified? Why does lord need to be justified? How is that helpful for us? What is the Lord justifying? Reference second Samuel nine-12

Why must we bring forth good fruit? What is good fruit?

Why does the Lord compare the temple to a fruitful tree by a stream? What happens in the temple that brings forth good fruit? How does that bless our lives?why does the Lord teach through symbols?

45° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day One Entry: Feb 25, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section is 94 through 96

Today we talked about the temple being at the center of the city, the pattern the Lord established for building his city, and those whom the Lord loves he chastens.

why does God follow patterns? What do patterns represent? What pattern was given for the building of the city? Where else in scripture did the Lord use patterns?

What does it mean to be chastened?
why does the Lord chasten those he loves? What is the purpose of chastening?

41° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Monday, February 23, 2015

Day One Entry: Feb 23, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants chapter 93 verses one through 20

We talked about christ parentage, how he was half God and half mortal. We also discussed John's testimony that he grew from grace to grace.

Why is obedience so important on this earth? What are we supposed to be obedient to? And what does obedience lead to?

Why is unity important to God? What is the power that comes from unity? How are God in Christ unified?

How was the earth created? Who created the earth? Who created man?

What does it mean to grow grace by grace? Why was John able to see Christ grow grace by grace?

39° Cloudy
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day One Entry: Feb 18, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 89 and 90

We finish the day with section 89 in the promises made in the end of the word of wisdom. We began discussing section 90. In section 90 the Prophet Joseph Smith is getting further revelation about establishing the first presidency.

What are the four parts of the promise in the end of the word of wisdom?
What is the destroying angel? When in scripture was the destroying angel used before?
what are some of the reasons given for the word of wisdom?
How is addiction in opposite word to the word agency? Why does Satan use addictions to influence and control man?
How does the word of wisdom protect us from addictions?
What does it mean to petition God? Why is the word petition significant and what does it indicate?
What are the oracles of God? What is an oracle?

46° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day One Entry: Feb 17, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 89

Today we discuss the word of wisdom, we discussed how it is referenced all the way back in Leviticus with Aaron the priest being told to abstain from alcohol. We also discussed many other aspects of this wonderful principle with a promise.

What is the word of wisdom?
What were the circumstances in which the Lord gave the word of wisdom?
Why was the word of wisdom initially a recommendation and not a commandment?

48° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day One Entry: Feb 12, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants 88 versus 117 through the end.

Today we discussed these verses, class was quite chatty, they had a geometry test today and I think a lot of them are very distracted with the test. However, we did discuss what it means to teach one another, read the best books, and organizing ourselves.

What does it mean to teach one another?
Why does God want us to teach one another and what does he want us to teach?
what does God mean when he says read the best books? What are the best books? Is he only talking about the Scriptures? How can good books and good media influence us to do good things? By contrast, what would be bad books and bad media? And what influence or impact would they have upon us?
What does it mean to organize yourself? Why does God care if we are organized? How are some ways we can organize ourselves? What are time management skills? Why are time management skills needed? If time is largely a mortal experience, why would God have us practice time management skills now in preparation for eternity? What will we be doing in the eternities?

46° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day One Entry: Feb 11, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 88 versus 70 through 117.

Today we discussed these verses, we really only got through versus 70 and 71 because of all of the questions in the discussion.

what is a solemn assembly?
What does a solemn assembly point towards in Leviticus 23?
What is the last kingdom referenced in verse 70?
Why do prophets and apostles warn us?
What do prophets and apostles warn us about?
Why is it important that we are warned?

55° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day One Entry: Feb 10, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 88 versus 41 through 69

Today we discussed the times and seasons and what that means, we also discussed that God is always with us and how he governs.

What does it mean that God governs in times and seasons?
What are the times and seasons of our lives? What does that mean?
what does the parable inverses 55 through 63 mean as it relates to God being able to spend time with us?
Why can god spend time with us whenever we need him?
what does this tell us about our relationship to our heavenly father?
what does this tell us about how God views us?

57° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Monday, February 9, 2015

Day One Entry: Feb 9, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 88 verses one through 40

Today we talked a little bit about fear and faith, this was a subject over the weekend the Elder Holland talked about and I felt we should spend a few moments on. We then talked about what light is, that Christ is the source of all white, and what a soul is.

what is the opposite of fear?
What is the pattern to develop faith?
What are some characteristics of light?
How did those characteristics relate to Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost?
What are some of the things that Christ's light created for us?
What are some things that light can dispel?
What is a soul? Can see in affect the physical body?
Can harmful substances affect our spirits?

55° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Friday, February 6, 2015

Day One Entry: Feb 5, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 86

Today we spoke about the parable the wheat and the tears.

In the parable what is the world? Who are the sewers? Who is the enemy? What are tears? What do the tears represent?what is the wheat? How do we participate in the harvest of the Lord?

48° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Day One Entry: Feb 6, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 87

Today we talked about this section, it's about future prophecies with some specifics about the Civil War.

What is the difference between a prophecy and a prediction? what were some of the prophecies with the prescribed to do's for Noah, Samuel the Lamanite, Joseph of Egypt, and Lehi? Why is it important to recognize that typically prophecies will have a to do list associated with them? Why?
In section 87 what are the different wars and what are the different prophecies that Joseph Smith was prophesying about in addition to the Civil War?
With unrest in South Carolina occurring at the time Joseph Smith got this prophecy how does that relate to the fact that Joseph Smith got the prophecy about South Carolina? What does this tell us about that is often occurring when prophets need to get revelation?

What are some Prophecies that our prophet has given us in the last 10 years? What are the prescribed to do's?

48° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day One Entry: Feb 4, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 85

Today was an excellent discussion, we started discussing church discipline, the Saints failure to live the law of consecration, keeping records, the jobs of a clerk, and then we moved into discussing what it means to steady the ark and why that can be problematic for those that do not have priesthood keys.

What are the functions of a ward clerk or a clerk in the church? Why do we keep disciplinary council records? Why does the clerk keep records related to money and inheritances?
What is the Ark of the covenant? What is significant about the Lord allowing only the Levites to deal with the Ark of the covenant in the tabernacle? Why did Uzzah die when he touched the Ark of the covenant to study it? How does the idea if Uzzah steadying the Ark of the covenant relate to us directing the Lord's prophet or giving the Lord counsel? Why are these things problematic?

46° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Friday, January 30, 2015

Day One Entry: Jan 30, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 82 and 83

Today we spoke about sections 82 and 83, we didn't get all the way through the material as we got off on a related tangent of LGBT rights and the church's press release about those rights as a relates to gay marriage. We talked about what it means to have tolerance while still maintaining the first two great commandments loving God and loving thy neighbor as thyself.

Why does greater condemnation happenfor those that have greater knowledge? why, when we sin, do we have to go back and address that repentance before we can move forward on our progression?

What is the first qualifier for receiving eternal life? Wire ordinances important? How do ordinances relate to covenants?

54° Light Rain
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day One Entry: Jan 28, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 79 through 81

Today we talked about really to hearses in the sections. The first verse had to do with missionary work in the Lord saying that it doesn't matter where you serve north-south Easter west you simply can't go I miss if you go out to serve the Lord.The second verse we talked about councils and how to sit on a council.

Why does it not matter where we are ultimately called to serve a mission? Why is where ever we are called where the Lord will use our talents and abilities?

What is a council? Why does the Lord choose to operate the church through councils?
Who presides at a council? What does it me to sustain our leaders? Is disagreement good inside of the council? What kind of disagreement is beneficial? What is the role of the president of the Council in the eyes of God?

48° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Monday, January 26, 2015

Day One Entry: Jan 26, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 77

We talked about today how doctrine and covenants is a question and answer section between God and the Prophet Joseph Smith. we talked about how this type of Revelation is it reserved for prophets only, but is open to all that will critically think and ask heavenly father questions and seek further answers. we discussed the different verses and the different questions and talked about the symbolism that exist in the book of Revelation and throughout doctrine and covenants section 77. Pres. Jones, from our stake presidency, came in and talked about symbolism a little bit as he compared the American flag and it's symbolism with how God uses symbolism.

Why does God use symbolism in the Scriptures?
How can symbolism teach us better than simply simple words?
what is the process of gaining a revelation? In the current duty to God program, what is the process the prophet and apostles have laid out for us?

46° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day One Entry: Jan 21, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 76

Today we discussed doctrine and covenants section 76. Some of the ideas discussed were: fear in the lord what that means, the sons of perdition who they are, Satan and his perceived Power, and heavenly father and his love for us.

What does it mean to fear God? What is the purpose of fearing God? Why does fearing God allow us to become like God?

In the pre-mortal world how did Satan overcome the one third host of heaven that ultimately followed him? What was Satan known as after he rebelled against God? What does the word perdition mean?

52° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Day One Entry: Jan 14, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants 69 and 70

Today we discussed keeping records and stewardship. The Lord has commanded us throughout the Scriptures to keep records, we talked about why the Lord commanded us to keep records and then shared some stories from some of my journal records from my mission. we also talked about what it means to be a steward in relation to that what it means to live United order. We read and Luke 16 about the unjust steward and what the ramifications are of not taking our stewardship seriously.

wire records, and journals important for us to keep according to God?
How does our posterity benefit from our keeping journals?
what is a steward?
How is it beneficial to view ourselves as stewards for God as we go through this birds life?
In Luke 16 how do we relate the parable of the unjust steward to our lives?
how was the united order, law of consecration, different than communism?
How does stewardship relate to living the law of consecration?

46° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day One Entry: Jan 13, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 68

Today class was a little mellow I think being stressed out about finals, participation was a bit lackluster. We discussed what it means to reason and expound the Scriptures. We talked about what it means to be damned. We also discuss the sealing powers and how the sealing powers apply not only to eternal marriage but all covenants made on the earth. Finally we discussed the role that parents play in the teaching of their children and how God holds parents accountable for making sure their children are taught.

What does it mean to reason and expound the Scriptures? Why do you think the Lord wants us to reason with people?
What does it mean to be damned? How does one become un-damned?
What does it mean to be sealed and how does the sealing power work?
Why are parents given the task of teaching children the Gospel? Why are parents held accountable if they don't teach their children the Gospel?

48° Clear
150 W Rome Blvd, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day One Entry: Jan 6, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 67

Today we discussed several principles in doctrine and covenants section 67. We discussed why it's important to Lockaline our desires with heavenly father's desires. We discussed the lectures on Faith from Joseph Smith and how we develop the power of faith. We discussed that fear is the opposite of faith. We discussed what it means to be Quickened.

Why is it important to align our desires with gods desires?
Why does God care about our desires?
What is faith?
how do we develop the power of faith? Hint it is somewhat related to our desires.
What does it say in Mark chapter 6 verses 36 through the end of the chapter about faith and fear?
Why do you think fear is the opposite of faith?
Understanding that fear is the opposite of faith when you are fearful what should you do?
What does it mean to be Quickened?

41° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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Monday, January 5, 2015

Day One Entry: Jan 5, 2015

Seminary journal doctrine and covenants section 66

Today we discuss section 66 and William McClellan's revelation received from Joseph Smith as Joseph Smith petition the Lord on behalf of William. A couple of things discussed in class: we discuss why the Lord said he blast William, we discussed why it's important to repent of all of our sins not just some of them, we discussed how the Lord strengthens us in every place, we discussed what it means to be cumbered.

Why does the Lord say he blast William McClellan?
Why must we repent of all of our sins, not just big sins, not just small sense, but all of our sins?
What does the Lord say he will bless us with if we faithfully serve?
What does it mean to faithfully serve?
What does it mean to be cumbered about?

36° Clear
150 W Deer Springs Way, North Las Vegas, NV, United States

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