Questions from today's lesson:
1. What is going on at this stage with the Prophet Joseph and Oliver Cowdery? What are they doing and where are they doing it and why?
2. What is significant in verse 2 about Oliver having "manifested [to him] by my Spirit in many instances? What is significant about many instances?
3. Why is something manifested by the Spirit more powerful than through other means?
4. Why is God a God of laws, covenants, and contracts?
5. What is a covenant or contract?
6. How do are covenants protect us similarly to the way a contract protects us?
7. Does God break his covenants with us, Why or why not?
8. What is the foundation on which the church is built?
9. What is the rock?
10. How is the world currently ripening in sin and how can being built on the "foundation" help us?
This Blog is for my seminary students to assist them in their studies and any makeup work they may need to do.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Agenda-Monday, September 22, 2014 D&C 9
How would seeking guidance from the Lord help you make important decisions?
What would the Lord ask Oliver to do?
According to president Smith,why was Oliver unable to continue as he had started?
What are some ways that fear, or a lack of faith, could prevent us from receiving or acting on revelation from the Lord.
According to D&C 9:7, what did Oliver suppose was the only thing he would need to do to receive revelation while he translated?
What did the Lord teach Oliver he could do before asking for guidance?
What do you think it means to study it out in your mind?
What does verse eight tell us about how the Lord answers our questions?
What is a stupor of thought? What should you do once you experience one?
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Agenda-September 19, 2014 doctrine and covenants eight
Opening song-called to serve
Opening prayer
Scripture by Ashley LaMatia
If we ask God, and we work, we can receive revelation.
Opening prayer
Scripture by Ashley LaMatia
If we ask God, and we work, we can receive revelation.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Agenda-September 18, 2014, doctrine and covenants 6 and 7
Opening song
Opening prayer
Scripture by Kelsie Barker
1. As we seek answers from heavenly father, he will give us instruction.
2. The Lord will enlighten our minds through the Holy Ghost.
3. God knows our thoughts and the intensive our hearts.
4. When we receive revelation, we should treasure it up in our hearts.
Lightbulb and sunrise drawing
How is turning on a light ball different from watching the sunrise?
Elder David a Bednar of the Quorumn of the 12 apostles use this analogy to teach about personal revelation. He taught that sometimes revelation happens quickly, completely, and all at once like turning on a light in a dark room, but most frequently revelation comes in small increments over time.
Read Joseph Smith history one: 66-67 silently and identify how heavenly father help Joseph and his efforts to translate more quickly.
What did the Lord dealer response to Joseph's plea for someone to help them translate?
Oliver Cowdrey came from Palmyra, New York, more than 140 miles away, to meet Joseph in harmony, Pennsylvania.
Read doctrine and covenants 6:5-6, 8 silently, look for indications that the Lord knew all of her's desires.
Have you ever received an answer from God and then later experience concerns or confusion regarding the answer?
The Lord told Oliver Cowdrey that Oliver had a gift of Revelation, read doctrine and covenants 6:14-17, 20 silently looking for what the Lord taught all of her about receiving and recognizing revelation.
What truths did the Lord teach Oliver about receiving and recognizing revelation?
Why is it important for us to know that the Lord hears and answers our prayers?
What do you think it means that the Lord will enlighten our minds?
Why is it important to know that only God knows our thoughts and intents of our hearts?
What do you think it means to treasure of the Lords words?
Read doctrine and covenants 6:21-24, search for another way the Lord communicate with us.
What can we learn from the verse about another way the Lord speaks to us?
From your experience what does it feel like to have the Lord speak peace to our minds?
Elder Bednarek carry the analogy of the sunrise one step further to clarify how communication from the Lord often comes.
How might we sometimes overlooked or dismiss the Lords answers to our prayers?
What advice would you give to someone who wants to learn how to better recognize when the Lord is speaking to him or her?
It was not until after this revelation was received all of her told Joseph about "the night" that the Lord referred to in doctrine and covenants 6:22
After we had received this revelation, Oliver Cowdrey stated to me that after he had gone to my fathers to board, and after the family had communicated to him concerning my having obtained the plates, that one night after he had retired to bed he called upon the Lord to know if these things for so, and the Lord manifested to him that they were true, but he kept the circumstance entirely secret, and mentioned it to no one; so that after this revelation was given, he knew that the work was true, because no being living knew of the thing alluded to in the revelation, but God and himself.
If you were all of her, what feelings might you have had as you heard the responsibility the Lord was placing upon you?
What truths or principles from this council can we apply in our lives?
What are some examples of how a person might look to Christ in every thought?
Nothing has been revealed about the specifics of John's ministry as a translated being.
Thanks Billy Bayne
Opening prayer
Scripture by Kelsie Barker
1. As we seek answers from heavenly father, he will give us instruction.
2. The Lord will enlighten our minds through the Holy Ghost.
3. God knows our thoughts and the intensive our hearts.
4. When we receive revelation, we should treasure it up in our hearts.
Lightbulb and sunrise drawing
How is turning on a light ball different from watching the sunrise?
Elder David a Bednar of the Quorumn of the 12 apostles use this analogy to teach about personal revelation. He taught that sometimes revelation happens quickly, completely, and all at once like turning on a light in a dark room, but most frequently revelation comes in small increments over time.
Read Joseph Smith history one: 66-67 silently and identify how heavenly father help Joseph and his efforts to translate more quickly.
What did the Lord dealer response to Joseph's plea for someone to help them translate?
Oliver Cowdrey came from Palmyra, New York, more than 140 miles away, to meet Joseph in harmony, Pennsylvania.
Read doctrine and covenants 6:5-6, 8 silently, look for indications that the Lord knew all of her's desires.
Have you ever received an answer from God and then later experience concerns or confusion regarding the answer?
The Lord told Oliver Cowdrey that Oliver had a gift of Revelation, read doctrine and covenants 6:14-17, 20 silently looking for what the Lord taught all of her about receiving and recognizing revelation.
What truths did the Lord teach Oliver about receiving and recognizing revelation?
Why is it important for us to know that the Lord hears and answers our prayers?
What do you think it means that the Lord will enlighten our minds?
Why is it important to know that only God knows our thoughts and intents of our hearts?
What do you think it means to treasure of the Lords words?
Read doctrine and covenants 6:21-24, search for another way the Lord communicate with us.
What can we learn from the verse about another way the Lord speaks to us?
From your experience what does it feel like to have the Lord speak peace to our minds?
Elder Bednarek carry the analogy of the sunrise one step further to clarify how communication from the Lord often comes.
How might we sometimes overlooked or dismiss the Lords answers to our prayers?
What advice would you give to someone who wants to learn how to better recognize when the Lord is speaking to him or her?
It was not until after this revelation was received all of her told Joseph about "the night" that the Lord referred to in doctrine and covenants 6:22
After we had received this revelation, Oliver Cowdrey stated to me that after he had gone to my fathers to board, and after the family had communicated to him concerning my having obtained the plates, that one night after he had retired to bed he called upon the Lord to know if these things for so, and the Lord manifested to him that they were true, but he kept the circumstance entirely secret, and mentioned it to no one; so that after this revelation was given, he knew that the work was true, because no being living knew of the thing alluded to in the revelation, but God and himself.
If you were all of her, what feelings might you have had as you heard the responsibility the Lord was placing upon you?
What truths or principles from this council can we apply in our lives?
What are some examples of how a person might look to Christ in every thought?
Nothing has been revealed about the specifics of John's ministry as a translated being.
Thanks Billy Bayne
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Agenda-Wednesday, September 17, 2014 doctrine and covenants 5
Opening hymn
Opening prayer
Update on Martin Harris
What is something you have only heard about but would like to see with your own eyes? Why would you like to see it?
Read doctrine and covenants 5:1 silently, looking for what Martin Harris wanted to see for himself.
Would you like to see the golden plates? Explain why.
Martin Harris history
Doctrine and covenants 5:2-3
Look for how the Lord told Joseph Smith to answer Martin Harris's request.
How did the Lord tell Joseph to answer Martin?
Why couldn't Joseph Smith show Martin Harris the plates?
Why has the Lord not allowed to golden plates to be displayed before the world?
According to Pres.
Joseph Fielding Smith:
frequently when people hear the story of the coming forth of the book of Mormon they ask if the plates are in some museum where they may see them. Some of them with some scientific training, suggest that if the scholars could see and examine the plates and learn to read them, they would then bear witness to the truth of the book of Mormon and the veracity of Joseph Smith, and the whole world would then be converted.
Doctrine and covenants 5:5-10, looking for why the Lord told Joseph Smith not to display the plates before the world
What reasons did the Lord give for why Joseph Smith should not display the plates before the world?
What do we learn from doctrine and covenants 5:10 about Joseph Smith's unique calling?
Why do you think it is important for us to have a testimony of this truth?
Doctrine and covenants 5:11
Looking for what the Lord said he would do to support Joseph Smith's testimony of the book of Mormon.
How is it helpful to know that in addition to Joseph Smith, the Lord called three witnesses who saw the plates and heard the Lord to clear their truthfulness?
In addition to directing Joseph Smith and the three witnesses to bear testimony, the Lord provided another means by which we can know of the truthfulness of the book of Mormon.
Doctrine and covenants 5:16-18, looking for what the Lord promised those who believe in the book of Mormon.
What did the Lord say he would send upon those who believe his words?
Statement by Ezra Taft Benson:
We each need to get our own testimony of the book of Mormon to the Holy Ghost. Then her testimony, coupled with the book of Mormon, should be shared with others so that they, too, can know through the Holy Ghost of its truthfulness.
Write in your journals your testimony of the book of Mormon, or what you can do to gain a testimony and strengthen their witness of the book of Mormon.
Doctrine and covenants 5:21-22, replace the name Joseph with your own name. What is the Lord teaching in these verses?
How can someone avoid yielding, "to the persuasions of men"?
What did the Lord promised the Joseph Smith would receive if he would be faithful even if he was slain?
Draw a lightbulb, what do we have to do to make the lightbulb work?
Just like there are several steps to turning on a light bulb, Martin Harris learned that there would be several steps to receiving the witness of the plates he desired from the Lord.
Doctrine and covenants 5:23-24, looking for the conditional promise the Lord gave to Martin Harris using the words if and then.
What do you think it means to pray and humility, faith, and sincerity?
How do you think praying with humility faith and sincerity might prepare us to receive answers from the Lord?
Doctrine and covenants 5:25-26, look for what the Lord expected Martin Harris to do after becoming a witness to the book of Mormon.
Doctrine and covenants 5:27-28, 32, look for additional counsel and warnings that the Lord gave to Martin Harris.
What did Laura Council award Martin Harris to do?
What does the Lord say will happen tomorrow and hear us if he does not humble himself and receive a witness from the Lord?
How might we relate the counseling doctrine and covenants 5:32 to ourselves?
Opening prayer
Update on Martin Harris
What is something you have only heard about but would like to see with your own eyes? Why would you like to see it?
Read doctrine and covenants 5:1 silently, looking for what Martin Harris wanted to see for himself.
Would you like to see the golden plates? Explain why.
Martin Harris history
Doctrine and covenants 5:2-3
Look for how the Lord told Joseph Smith to answer Martin Harris's request.
How did the Lord tell Joseph to answer Martin?
Why couldn't Joseph Smith show Martin Harris the plates?
Why has the Lord not allowed to golden plates to be displayed before the world?
According to Pres.
Joseph Fielding Smith:
frequently when people hear the story of the coming forth of the book of Mormon they ask if the plates are in some museum where they may see them. Some of them with some scientific training, suggest that if the scholars could see and examine the plates and learn to read them, they would then bear witness to the truth of the book of Mormon and the veracity of Joseph Smith, and the whole world would then be converted.
Doctrine and covenants 5:5-10, looking for why the Lord told Joseph Smith not to display the plates before the world
What reasons did the Lord give for why Joseph Smith should not display the plates before the world?
What do we learn from doctrine and covenants 5:10 about Joseph Smith's unique calling?
Why do you think it is important for us to have a testimony of this truth?
Doctrine and covenants 5:11
Looking for what the Lord said he would do to support Joseph Smith's testimony of the book of Mormon.
How is it helpful to know that in addition to Joseph Smith, the Lord called three witnesses who saw the plates and heard the Lord to clear their truthfulness?
In addition to directing Joseph Smith and the three witnesses to bear testimony, the Lord provided another means by which we can know of the truthfulness of the book of Mormon.
Doctrine and covenants 5:16-18, looking for what the Lord promised those who believe in the book of Mormon.
What did the Lord say he would send upon those who believe his words?
Statement by Ezra Taft Benson:
We each need to get our own testimony of the book of Mormon to the Holy Ghost. Then her testimony, coupled with the book of Mormon, should be shared with others so that they, too, can know through the Holy Ghost of its truthfulness.
Write in your journals your testimony of the book of Mormon, or what you can do to gain a testimony and strengthen their witness of the book of Mormon.
Doctrine and covenants 5:21-22, replace the name Joseph with your own name. What is the Lord teaching in these verses?
How can someone avoid yielding, "to the persuasions of men"?
What did the Lord promised the Joseph Smith would receive if he would be faithful even if he was slain?
Draw a lightbulb, what do we have to do to make the lightbulb work?
Just like there are several steps to turning on a light bulb, Martin Harris learned that there would be several steps to receiving the witness of the plates he desired from the Lord.
Doctrine and covenants 5:23-24, looking for the conditional promise the Lord gave to Martin Harris using the words if and then.
What do you think it means to pray and humility, faith, and sincerity?
How do you think praying with humility faith and sincerity might prepare us to receive answers from the Lord?
Doctrine and covenants 5:25-26, look for what the Lord expected Martin Harris to do after becoming a witness to the book of Mormon.
Doctrine and covenants 5:27-28, 32, look for additional counsel and warnings that the Lord gave to Martin Harris.
What did Laura Council award Martin Harris to do?
What does the Lord say will happen tomorrow and hear us if he does not humble himself and receive a witness from the Lord?
How might we relate the counseling doctrine and covenants 5:32 to ourselves?
Monday, September 15, 2014
Agenda Tuesday, September 16, 2014 - doctrine and covenants 4
Opening song
Opening prayer
Scripture-Noah Prusse
1. If we serve God with all of our heart might mind and strength we may stay in blameless before him at the last day.
2. As we labor diligently to bring others into Jesus Christ, we can also receive salvation for ourselves.
3. Our efforts to develop divine attributes will help us qualify to assist in the work of the Lord.
Have you ever felt the desire to serve God and wanted to know his will regarding how you could best assistant doing his work?
Explain about Joseph Smith's father's desire to help in the work.
What word the Lord used to describe the restoration of the Gospel in the latter days?
In what ways was the restoration of the Gospel "marvelous"?
Read doctrine and covenants 4:2, looking for what the Lord asks of those who embark in his service?
What does the word embark mean?
According to this verse, what does the Lord expect of those who serve him?
What does it mean to do something with all your heart, might, mind and strength?
What actions are attributes might you expect to seeing a person who is striving to serve God with all of his heart, might, mind, and strength?
According to Doctrine and covenants 4:2 what blessing comes from serving God with all of your heart might mind and strength?
What might it feel like to stand in God's presence and be blameless?
Doctrine and covenants 4:3, look for attribute the individuals need in order to assist the Lord and his work.
What attribute does a person need to have in order to assist the Lord and his work?
What calling was Joseph Smith Senior being called to?
In addition to full-time missionary service what are some ways in which we can assist the Lord and his work?
Grain object lesson
Read doctrine and covenants 4:4 in this verse the Lord compares the people of the world to a field of grain, look for how the Lord describes the field.
What does the Lord say about his field (or the people of the world)?
What do you think is the meaning of the phrase "the field is white already to harvest"?
Sickle drawing
What do you think it means to thrust in your sickle with all your might?
According to doctrine and covenants 4:4 what blessing comes to those who labor diligently to bring others to Jesus Christ?
How does helping others, to Jesus Christ help us, to him as well?
Name a few occupations and qualifications for those occupations.
Doctrine and covenants 4:5 look for the attributes to qualify a person to assist in the Lords work.
Doctrine and covenants 4:6 note any additional attributes.
How my developing each of the attributes inverses 5-6 help us be more effective in assisting in the Lords work?
Which of the attributes listed in these verses would you like to develop more fully? Why?
Doctrine and covenants 4:7
What does it mean to ask and knock?
How do you think prayer can help us develop divine attributes?
Opening prayer
Scripture-Noah Prusse
1. If we serve God with all of our heart might mind and strength we may stay in blameless before him at the last day.
2. As we labor diligently to bring others into Jesus Christ, we can also receive salvation for ourselves.
3. Our efforts to develop divine attributes will help us qualify to assist in the work of the Lord.
Have you ever felt the desire to serve God and wanted to know his will regarding how you could best assistant doing his work?
Explain about Joseph Smith's father's desire to help in the work.
What word the Lord used to describe the restoration of the Gospel in the latter days?
In what ways was the restoration of the Gospel "marvelous"?
Read doctrine and covenants 4:2, looking for what the Lord asks of those who embark in his service?
What does the word embark mean?
According to this verse, what does the Lord expect of those who serve him?
What does it mean to do something with all your heart, might, mind and strength?
What actions are attributes might you expect to seeing a person who is striving to serve God with all of his heart, might, mind, and strength?
According to Doctrine and covenants 4:2 what blessing comes from serving God with all of your heart might mind and strength?
What might it feel like to stand in God's presence and be blameless?
Doctrine and covenants 4:3, look for attribute the individuals need in order to assist the Lord and his work.
What attribute does a person need to have in order to assist the Lord and his work?
What calling was Joseph Smith Senior being called to?
In addition to full-time missionary service what are some ways in which we can assist the Lord and his work?
Grain object lesson
Read doctrine and covenants 4:4 in this verse the Lord compares the people of the world to a field of grain, look for how the Lord describes the field.
What does the Lord say about his field (or the people of the world)?
What do you think is the meaning of the phrase "the field is white already to harvest"?
Sickle drawing
What do you think it means to thrust in your sickle with all your might?
According to doctrine and covenants 4:4 what blessing comes to those who labor diligently to bring others to Jesus Christ?
How does helping others, to Jesus Christ help us, to him as well?
Name a few occupations and qualifications for those occupations.
Doctrine and covenants 4:5 look for the attributes to qualify a person to assist in the Lords work.
Doctrine and covenants 4:6 note any additional attributes.
How my developing each of the attributes inverses 5-6 help us be more effective in assisting in the Lords work?
Which of the attributes listed in these verses would you like to develop more fully? Why?
Doctrine and covenants 4:7
What does it mean to ask and knock?
How do you think prayer can help us develop divine attributes?
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Agenda September 15, 2014 D&C 10
Opening song
Opening prayer
1. As we pray always, we will have power to overcome Satan and those who serve him.
2. Satan desires to destroy the work of the Lord and our souls.
3. The wisdom of God is greater than the cunning of the devil.
Reminder to text in readings
Review D&C three the loss of the 116 pages including D&C 10:1-2
D&C 10:3-4
Look for Council of the Lord gave as Joseph Smith began to translate again.
Why do you think Joseph Smith needed to be counseled not to labor or to translate more than he had strength?
How can the counseling doctrine and covenants 10 four guide us as we serve the Lord?
Draw a mouse trap
How can a device like this represent Satan's intentions toward us?
Doctrine and covenants 10:5
Look for what the Lord commanded the Prophet Joseph Smith to do in order to escape Satan.
What can we learn from this verse?
Doctrine 1. As we pray always, we will have power to overcome Satan and those who serve him.
How can prayer help us to conquer Satan and escape those who uphold his work?
Students to share examples of how prayer at help them resist Satan's temptations.
Read doctrine and covenants 10:8-19
Identify the plan of the wicked individuals who were then in possession of the manuscript.
What was their plan?
Doctrine and covenants 10:20-29
Look for what these verses teach us about Satan's aims, and look for strategies Satan uses to accomplish his aims.
What did we learn from these verses about Satan's purposes?
Doctrine 2. Satan desires to destroy the work of the Lord and our souls.
How does Satan do this?
What evidence have you seen that Satan uses deception, anger, flattery, and lying to destroy the work of the Lord and our souls?
How can being aware of Satan's intentions and methods help us avoid an escape his traps?
What can you do to avoid and escape Satan's traps?
Doctrine and covenants 10:30-37
Because of wicked people's plans to destroy the work of God and Joseph Smith's reputation, the Lord commanded Joseph not to re-translate the portion of the plates from which the lost hundred and 16 pages had been translated.
Doctrine and covenants 10:38-42
Look for what the Lord commanded Joseph to translate instead of having him read translate the portion of the place from which the lost hundred and 16 pages had been translated.
What the Lord commands Joseph to translate and why?
Read Words of Mormon 1:3-7
Doctrine and covenants 10:43
Look for an important truth the Lord wanted Joseph Smith understand.
What is the truth?
Doctrine 3. The wisdom of God is greater than the cunning of the devil.
What does the word cunning mean?
How does the Lords plan to replace the lost manuscript illustrate this truth?
Doctrine and covenants 10:44-45
Why are the small plates of Nephi of greater worth than what was lost with the hundred and 16 manuscript pages?
How does knowing that God prepared a way to compensate for the hundred and 16 lost manuscript pages help you more fully trust him?
Read doctrine and covenants 10:62-63
Look for what the Lord said that the book of Mormon would bring it to light.
What will the book of Mormon bring to light?
According to verse 63 how will the Lord use the true points of his doctrine to overcome the work of Satan?
Doctrine and covenants 10:67, 69-70
Note phrases that are meaningful to you in light of what you have learned today.
Opening prayer
1. As we pray always, we will have power to overcome Satan and those who serve him.
2. Satan desires to destroy the work of the Lord and our souls.
3. The wisdom of God is greater than the cunning of the devil.
Reminder to text in readings
Review D&C three the loss of the 116 pages including D&C 10:1-2
D&C 10:3-4
Look for Council of the Lord gave as Joseph Smith began to translate again.
Why do you think Joseph Smith needed to be counseled not to labor or to translate more than he had strength?
How can the counseling doctrine and covenants 10 four guide us as we serve the Lord?
Draw a mouse trap
How can a device like this represent Satan's intentions toward us?
Doctrine and covenants 10:5
Look for what the Lord commanded the Prophet Joseph Smith to do in order to escape Satan.
What can we learn from this verse?
Doctrine 1. As we pray always, we will have power to overcome Satan and those who serve him.
How can prayer help us to conquer Satan and escape those who uphold his work?
Students to share examples of how prayer at help them resist Satan's temptations.
Read doctrine and covenants 10:8-19
Identify the plan of the wicked individuals who were then in possession of the manuscript.
What was their plan?
Doctrine and covenants 10:20-29
Look for what these verses teach us about Satan's aims, and look for strategies Satan uses to accomplish his aims.
What did we learn from these verses about Satan's purposes?
Doctrine 2. Satan desires to destroy the work of the Lord and our souls.
How does Satan do this?
What evidence have you seen that Satan uses deception, anger, flattery, and lying to destroy the work of the Lord and our souls?
How can being aware of Satan's intentions and methods help us avoid an escape his traps?
What can you do to avoid and escape Satan's traps?
Doctrine and covenants 10:30-37
Because of wicked people's plans to destroy the work of God and Joseph Smith's reputation, the Lord commanded Joseph not to re-translate the portion of the plates from which the lost hundred and 16 pages had been translated.
Doctrine and covenants 10:38-42
Look for what the Lord commanded Joseph to translate instead of having him read translate the portion of the place from which the lost hundred and 16 pages had been translated.
What the Lord commands Joseph to translate and why?
Read Words of Mormon 1:3-7
Doctrine and covenants 10:43
Look for an important truth the Lord wanted Joseph Smith understand.
What is the truth?
Doctrine 3. The wisdom of God is greater than the cunning of the devil.
What does the word cunning mean?
How does the Lords plan to replace the lost manuscript illustrate this truth?
Doctrine and covenants 10:44-45
Why are the small plates of Nephi of greater worth than what was lost with the hundred and 16 manuscript pages?
How does knowing that God prepared a way to compensate for the hundred and 16 lost manuscript pages help you more fully trust him?
Read doctrine and covenants 10:62-63
Look for what the Lord said that the book of Mormon would bring it to light.
What will the book of Mormon bring to light?
According to verse 63 how will the Lord use the true points of his doctrine to overcome the work of Satan?
Doctrine and covenants 10:67, 69-70
Note phrases that are meaningful to you in light of what you have learned today.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Agenda - Friday Sept. 12, 2014 scripture mastery
Opening song
Opening prayer
Review weekly doctrines
1. The purposes of God cannot be frustrated.
2. We should fear God more than we fear man.
3. If we are faithful to the Lord's commands he will support us during times of trouble.
4. If we repent of our sins we will receive the Lord's mercy.
5. The prophecies of the Lords servants will come to pass.
6. As we take responsibility for and preserve that which the Lord has given us, He will extend His protection and help.
Scripture mastery
Opening prayer
Review weekly doctrines
1. The purposes of God cannot be frustrated.
2. We should fear God more than we fear man.
3. If we are faithful to the Lord's commands he will support us during times of trouble.
4. If we repent of our sins we will receive the Lord's mercy.
5. The prophecies of the Lords servants will come to pass.
6. As we take responsibility for and preserve that which the Lord has given us, He will extend His protection and help.
Scripture mastery
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Seminary agenda-Thursday, September 11, 2014 D&C 3
Opening song
Opening prayer
Scripture-Hunter Hanshew
1. The purposes of God cannot be frustrated.
2. We should fear God more than we fear man.
3. If we are faithful to the Lord's commands he will support us during times of trouble.
4. If we repent of our sins we will receive the Lord's mercy.
Ponder situations in which they might be tempted to listen to a friend rather than follow the commandments or the counsel of their parents or leaders.
Why is it sometimes difficult to resist our friends when they encourage us to do something wrong?
History of the lost 116 pages
From mid-April 1828 to mid-June 1828, the Prophet Joseph Smith was translating the plates while living in Harmony, Pennsylvania. A prosperous farmer and businessman named Martin Harris was acting as scribe to Joseph while he translated. Martin was 22 years older than Joseph and had given Joseph and Emma $50 (which was a substantial amount of money at that time) to help them move to Harmony, Pennsylvania (where Emma's family lived), thus helping to support Joseph while he translated the plates. In February 1828, Joseph encouraged Martin to take copies of characters from the plates to professors in New York (see Joseph Smith--History 1:63–65). Lucy Harris, Martin's wife, became increasingly concerned about Martin's interest and financial involvement in the translation of the plates. She and others began to press Martin for evidence of the plates' existence. To appease their concerns, in mid-June Martin requested that Joseph allow him to take the 116 pages of manuscript they had completed to show as evidence.
Invite students to imagine the difficult position the Prophet was in when Martin Harris asked to take the manuscript pages. To help with context, consider inviting a student to read the following account from the history of the Prophet Joseph Smith:
"[Martin] desired of me that I would inquire of the Lord, through the Urim and Thummim, if he might not [take the manuscript home and show it]. I did inquire, and the answer was that he must not. However, he was not satisfied with this answer, and desired that I should inquire again. I did so, and the answer was as before. Still he could not be contented, but insisted that I should inquire once more" (in History of the Church, 1:21).
Why do you think Joseph Smith persistent in asking the same question even after receiving a clear answer?
After much pleading from Martin, Joseph asked the Lord a third time, and the Lord gave permission for Martin to take the manuscript "on certain conditions" (History of the Church, 1:21). Martin promised that he would show the manuscript only to his wife and a few other family members. Martin returned to New York with the manuscript. Shortly after Martin's departure, Emma Smith gave birth to a son, Alvin, who died shortly after birth. Emma nearly died herself, and for two weeks Joseph stayed at her bedside. By this time, Martin had been gone for three weeks and they had heard nothing from him. Emma, who was slowly recovering, persuaded Joseph to go to New York and find out why Martin had not sent any word. Joseph traveled to his parents' home, and once he arrived there, he sent for Martin. Martin took all morning to arrive. When he did, he sat down to eat with the Smith family but immediately dropped his utensils. When asked if he was all right, he cried out and eventually admitted that he had lost the 116 pages of manuscript. (See History of Joseph Smith by His Mother, ed. Preston Nibley [1958], 124–29 for more details of this account.)
How do you think you would feel in the situation?
Upon returning to Harmony without the 116 pages of manuscript, Joseph Smith prayed for forgiveness. Because Joseph had "wearied the Lord in asking for the privilege of letting Martin Harris take the writings" (History of the Church, 1:21), Moroni had taken the Urim and Thummim and Joseph had lost the gift to translate. However, Moroni promised that Joseph could receive them again if he would be "humble and penitent" (History of Joseph Smith by His Mother, 134). Some time later, Joseph received the revelation now known as Doctrine and Covenants 3.
D&C 3:1-3
Look for things the Lord want to Joseph Smith to understand.
How would you summarize the Lords message to Joseph Smith?
1st doctrine
How might this truth have helped Joseph Smith during this difficult time? Why is it important for all of us to understand this truth?
D&C 3:4-6
Identify words and phrases that might've been hard for Joseph Smith hear.
In what way had Joseph Smith "gone on in the persuasions of men? "
D&C 3:12-15
Find phrases that emphasize why Joseph's actions were so serious.
D&C 3:7
Identify what the Lord said Joseph should've done when he was pressured by Martin Harris.
Doctrine 2
What do you think it means to fear God more than man?
Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:
"There are many places in the scriptures that counsel mankind to fear God. In our day we generally interpret the word fear as "respect" or "reverence" or "love"; that is, the fear of God means the love of God or respect for Him and His law. That may often be a correct reading, but I wonder if sometimes fear doesn't really mean fear, as when the prophets speak of fearing to offend God by breaking His commandments. …We should so love and reverence Him that we fear doing anything wrong in His sight, whatever may be the opinions of or pressure from others" ("A Sense of the Sacred" [CES fireside for young adults, Nov. 7, 2004], 6–7.
According to Elder Christofferson what does it mean to fear God?
How can fearing God in the way Elder Christofferson suggests help us make right decisions even when we feel pure pressure?
D&C 3:8
Look for what God would have done if Joseph had listened to his initial answer about Martin Harris
Doctrine 3
D&C 3:9-10
Look for the promise God gave Joseph Smith despite the seriousness of the mistake Joseph made.
What promise did Lord give Joseph Smith?
Doctrine 4
D&C 3:9,11
Identify the warnings the Lord gave to Joseph Smith.
Why are these warnings important for us to remember as we repent of our sins and seek the Lord's mercy?
D&C 3:16-20
Identify the purpose is the Lord gave for the Book of Mormon.
Why was the work that Joseph Smith and Martin Harris were doing so important to the Lord and His people?
Closing prayer
Opening prayer
Scripture-Hunter Hanshew
1. The purposes of God cannot be frustrated.
2. We should fear God more than we fear man.
3. If we are faithful to the Lord's commands he will support us during times of trouble.
4. If we repent of our sins we will receive the Lord's mercy.
Ponder situations in which they might be tempted to listen to a friend rather than follow the commandments or the counsel of their parents or leaders.
Why is it sometimes difficult to resist our friends when they encourage us to do something wrong?
History of the lost 116 pages
From mid-April 1828 to mid-June 1828, the Prophet Joseph Smith was translating the plates while living in Harmony, Pennsylvania. A prosperous farmer and businessman named Martin Harris was acting as scribe to Joseph while he translated. Martin was 22 years older than Joseph and had given Joseph and Emma $50 (which was a substantial amount of money at that time) to help them move to Harmony, Pennsylvania (where Emma's family lived), thus helping to support Joseph while he translated the plates. In February 1828, Joseph encouraged Martin to take copies of characters from the plates to professors in New York (see Joseph Smith--History 1:63–65). Lucy Harris, Martin's wife, became increasingly concerned about Martin's interest and financial involvement in the translation of the plates. She and others began to press Martin for evidence of the plates' existence. To appease their concerns, in mid-June Martin requested that Joseph allow him to take the 116 pages of manuscript they had completed to show as evidence.
Invite students to imagine the difficult position the Prophet was in when Martin Harris asked to take the manuscript pages. To help with context, consider inviting a student to read the following account from the history of the Prophet Joseph Smith:
"[Martin] desired of me that I would inquire of the Lord, through the Urim and Thummim, if he might not [take the manuscript home and show it]. I did inquire, and the answer was that he must not. However, he was not satisfied with this answer, and desired that I should inquire again. I did so, and the answer was as before. Still he could not be contented, but insisted that I should inquire once more" (in History of the Church, 1:21).
Why do you think Joseph Smith persistent in asking the same question even after receiving a clear answer?
After much pleading from Martin, Joseph asked the Lord a third time, and the Lord gave permission for Martin to take the manuscript "on certain conditions" (History of the Church, 1:21). Martin promised that he would show the manuscript only to his wife and a few other family members. Martin returned to New York with the manuscript. Shortly after Martin's departure, Emma Smith gave birth to a son, Alvin, who died shortly after birth. Emma nearly died herself, and for two weeks Joseph stayed at her bedside. By this time, Martin had been gone for three weeks and they had heard nothing from him. Emma, who was slowly recovering, persuaded Joseph to go to New York and find out why Martin had not sent any word. Joseph traveled to his parents' home, and once he arrived there, he sent for Martin. Martin took all morning to arrive. When he did, he sat down to eat with the Smith family but immediately dropped his utensils. When asked if he was all right, he cried out and eventually admitted that he had lost the 116 pages of manuscript. (See History of Joseph Smith by His Mother, ed. Preston Nibley [1958], 124–29 for more details of this account.)
How do you think you would feel in the situation?
Upon returning to Harmony without the 116 pages of manuscript, Joseph Smith prayed for forgiveness. Because Joseph had "wearied the Lord in asking for the privilege of letting Martin Harris take the writings" (History of the Church, 1:21), Moroni had taken the Urim and Thummim and Joseph had lost the gift to translate. However, Moroni promised that Joseph could receive them again if he would be "humble and penitent" (History of Joseph Smith by His Mother, 134). Some time later, Joseph received the revelation now known as Doctrine and Covenants 3.
D&C 3:1-3
Look for things the Lord want to Joseph Smith to understand.
How would you summarize the Lords message to Joseph Smith?
1st doctrine
How might this truth have helped Joseph Smith during this difficult time? Why is it important for all of us to understand this truth?
D&C 3:4-6
Identify words and phrases that might've been hard for Joseph Smith hear.
In what way had Joseph Smith "gone on in the persuasions of men? "
D&C 3:12-15
Find phrases that emphasize why Joseph's actions were so serious.
D&C 3:7
Identify what the Lord said Joseph should've done when he was pressured by Martin Harris.
Doctrine 2
What do you think it means to fear God more than man?
Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:
"There are many places in the scriptures that counsel mankind to fear God. In our day we generally interpret the word fear as "respect" or "reverence" or "love"; that is, the fear of God means the love of God or respect for Him and His law. That may often be a correct reading, but I wonder if sometimes fear doesn't really mean fear, as when the prophets speak of fearing to offend God by breaking His commandments. …We should so love and reverence Him that we fear doing anything wrong in His sight, whatever may be the opinions of or pressure from others" ("A Sense of the Sacred" [CES fireside for young adults, Nov. 7, 2004], 6–7.
According to Elder Christofferson what does it mean to fear God?
How can fearing God in the way Elder Christofferson suggests help us make right decisions even when we feel pure pressure?
D&C 3:8
Look for what God would have done if Joseph had listened to his initial answer about Martin Harris
Doctrine 3
D&C 3:9-10
Look for the promise God gave Joseph Smith despite the seriousness of the mistake Joseph made.
What promise did Lord give Joseph Smith?
Doctrine 4
D&C 3:9,11
Identify the warnings the Lord gave to Joseph Smith.
Why are these warnings important for us to remember as we repent of our sins and seek the Lord's mercy?
D&C 3:16-20
Identify the purpose is the Lord gave for the Book of Mormon.
Why was the work that Joseph Smith and Martin Harris were doing so important to the Lord and His people?
Closing prayer
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Seminary agenda - September 10, 2014 JSH 1:57-65
Opening song
Opening prayer
Follow up from yesterday, the rainbow promise, see Institute manual.
1. The prophecies of the Lords servants will come to pass.
2. As we take responsibility for and preserve that which the Lord has given us, He will extend His protection and help.
What significant event has happened in your life in the last few years that will affect your life going forward?
How has this event influenced your character or changed your future?
In today's lesson we are going to learn about a five year span in the life of Joseph Smith and significant events that would change his future and character as he went forward as the prophet.
Read silently Joseph Smith history 1:55-58
Identify significant events that occurred to Joseph Smith during this time period.
Significant object from home (object lesson)
Have you ever seen someone who neglects or fails to take care of something that they've been given? Why do you feel some people do this?
Joseph Smith history 1:59
What significant items was Joseph Smith given?
What charge did Moroni give Joseph Smith concerning the plates?
What does it mean to, "use all endeavors to preserve them"?
Fill in the blank, as we take responsibility and preserve that which the Lord has given us, he will ________________________.
What are some examples of sacred trusts the Lord has given you?
And Joseph Smith history 1:60, identify a sentence that illustrates the Lord fulfilled his promise to Joseph Smith.
Read the story from Lucy Mack Smith's journal about how Joseph endeavored to care for the plates and how the Lord helped him. Note that when Joseph Smith got the plates from Moroni he initially hid them in a birch log approximately 3 miles from the family farm.
"Joseph, on coming to them, took them from their secret place, and, wrapping them in his linen frock, placed them under his arm and started for home.
"After proceeding a short distance, he thought it would be more safe to leave the road and go through the woods. Traveling some distance after he left the road, he came to a large windfall, and as he was jumping over a log, a man sprang up from behind it and gave him a heavy blow with a gun. Joseph turned around and knocked him down, then ran at the top of his speed. About half a mile farther he was attacked again in the same manner as before; he knocked this man down in like manner as the former and ran on again; and before he reached home he was assaulted the third time. In striking the last one, he dislocated his thumb, which, however, he did not notice until he came within sight of the house, when he threw himself down in the corner of the fence in order to recover his breath. As soon as he was able, he arose and came to the house. He was still altogether speechless from fright and the fatigue of running" (in Lucy Mack Smith, History of Joseph Smith by His Mother, ed. Preston Nibley [1958], 108).
When of you received help for being true to the sacred trust the Lord has given you?
The following statement is from Elder D Todd Christofferson
"Be wise with what the Lord gives you. It is a trust. …"Rather than drifting into carelessness, may your life be one of increasing exactness in obedience. I hope you will think and feel and dress and act in ways that show reverence and respect for sacred things, sacred places, sacred occasions" ("A Sense of the Sacred" [Church Educational System fireside for young adults, Nov. 7, 2004], 9, 10;
Read Joseph Smith 1:61-62 follow along and look for ways the Lord blessed Emma and Joseph Smith for being responsible in keeping sacred things.
How did the Lord bless Joseph and his wife at this time?
Discuss Martin Harris taking a copy of the book of Mormon characters to New York.
Joseph Smith history 1:63-65 compare to Isaiah 29:10-12
Read the Joseph Smith history passage first, then read the heading to Isaiah 29, and then the reference to Isaiah 29:10-12.
What truth do these passages teach us about the Lords foreknowledge and the prophecies of his servants?
Opening prayer
Follow up from yesterday, the rainbow promise, see Institute manual.
1. The prophecies of the Lords servants will come to pass.
2. As we take responsibility for and preserve that which the Lord has given us, He will extend His protection and help.
What significant event has happened in your life in the last few years that will affect your life going forward?
How has this event influenced your character or changed your future?
In today's lesson we are going to learn about a five year span in the life of Joseph Smith and significant events that would change his future and character as he went forward as the prophet.
Read silently Joseph Smith history 1:55-58
Identify significant events that occurred to Joseph Smith during this time period.
Significant object from home (object lesson)
Have you ever seen someone who neglects or fails to take care of something that they've been given? Why do you feel some people do this?
Joseph Smith history 1:59
What significant items was Joseph Smith given?
What charge did Moroni give Joseph Smith concerning the plates?
What does it mean to, "use all endeavors to preserve them"?
Fill in the blank, as we take responsibility and preserve that which the Lord has given us, he will ________________________.
What are some examples of sacred trusts the Lord has given you?
And Joseph Smith history 1:60, identify a sentence that illustrates the Lord fulfilled his promise to Joseph Smith.
Read the story from Lucy Mack Smith's journal about how Joseph endeavored to care for the plates and how the Lord helped him. Note that when Joseph Smith got the plates from Moroni he initially hid them in a birch log approximately 3 miles from the family farm.
"Joseph, on coming to them, took them from their secret place, and, wrapping them in his linen frock, placed them under his arm and started for home.
"After proceeding a short distance, he thought it would be more safe to leave the road and go through the woods. Traveling some distance after he left the road, he came to a large windfall, and as he was jumping over a log, a man sprang up from behind it and gave him a heavy blow with a gun. Joseph turned around and knocked him down, then ran at the top of his speed. About half a mile farther he was attacked again in the same manner as before; he knocked this man down in like manner as the former and ran on again; and before he reached home he was assaulted the third time. In striking the last one, he dislocated his thumb, which, however, he did not notice until he came within sight of the house, when he threw himself down in the corner of the fence in order to recover his breath. As soon as he was able, he arose and came to the house. He was still altogether speechless from fright and the fatigue of running" (in Lucy Mack Smith, History of Joseph Smith by His Mother, ed. Preston Nibley [1958], 108).
When of you received help for being true to the sacred trust the Lord has given you?
The following statement is from Elder D Todd Christofferson
"Be wise with what the Lord gives you. It is a trust. …"Rather than drifting into carelessness, may your life be one of increasing exactness in obedience. I hope you will think and feel and dress and act in ways that show reverence and respect for sacred things, sacred places, sacred occasions" ("A Sense of the Sacred" [Church Educational System fireside for young adults, Nov. 7, 2004], 9, 10;
Read Joseph Smith 1:61-62 follow along and look for ways the Lord blessed Emma and Joseph Smith for being responsible in keeping sacred things.
How did the Lord bless Joseph and his wife at this time?
Discuss Martin Harris taking a copy of the book of Mormon characters to New York.
Joseph Smith history 1:63-65 compare to Isaiah 29:10-12
Read the Joseph Smith history passage first, then read the heading to Isaiah 29, and then the reference to Isaiah 29:10-12.
What truth do these passages teach us about the Lords foreknowledge and the prophecies of his servants?
Monday, September 8, 2014
Seminary Agenda - Tuesday 9/9/2014 D&C 2, JSH Finish
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
JSH 1:39
What does the phrase, "and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers," mean?
2 Joel 28-
What are some of your thoughts and insights on this prophecy?
JSH 1:45
Why was it necessary for Moroni to come multiple times?
JSH 1:46
What is indigent circumstances?
What financial state was the Smith Family in at this time?
Read Joseph family bio.
JSH 1:54
Note Joseph Smith's mother's journal about Joseph's experience during the time before he received the plates.
D&C 2:1
Reference and discuss D&C 110:12-15
D&C 2:2
What are the promises?
What is this and why is this generation most prepared for this?
D&C 2:3
Why would the earth be wasted?
See note
Why is labor and continuous labor so important to God?
What is a comfortable maintenance and why could that be important?
Why is it important to trust in the Lord's timing?
Why did God charge Joseph Smith to be responsible for the plates? Could not protect them on his own?
Why do you think the persecution and the striving to find the plates by the enemy increase?
Why did Satan not want this book to come forth?
Why do you think God took the book back?
Urim and Thumim statement from Elder Maxwell
Charles Anton discussion and Statement
Isaiah 29:11-12
Closing prayer
Opening Prayer
JSH 1:39
What does the phrase, "and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers," mean?
2 Joel 28-
What are some of your thoughts and insights on this prophecy?
JSH 1:45
Why was it necessary for Moroni to come multiple times?
JSH 1:46
What is indigent circumstances?
What financial state was the Smith Family in at this time?
Read Joseph family bio.
JSH 1:54
Note Joseph Smith's mother's journal about Joseph's experience during the time before he received the plates.
D&C 2:1
Reference and discuss D&C 110:12-15
D&C 2:2
What are the promises?
What is this and why is this generation most prepared for this?
D&C 2:3
Why would the earth be wasted?
See note
Why is labor and continuous labor so important to God?
What is a comfortable maintenance and why could that be important?
Why is it important to trust in the Lord's timing?
Why did God charge Joseph Smith to be responsible for the plates? Could not protect them on his own?
Why do you think the persecution and the striving to find the plates by the enemy increase?
Why did Satan not want this book to come forth?
Why do you think God took the book back?
Urim and Thumim statement from Elder Maxwell
Charles Anton discussion and Statement
Isaiah 29:11-12
Closing prayer
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Seminary Agenda - Monday 9/8/2014 JSH 1:27-54, D&C 2
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Scripture- Tama Tuitama
JSH 1:28
How do you Joseph Smith would have felt about being persecuted by those who ought to have been his friends?
Why are good friend important for you to obtain and be?
How would you react if you were persecuted by friends and people older than you at this stage in your life?
JSH 1:29
What is the purpose of Guilt?
JSH 1:33
Where have we seen a fulfillment of this prophecy?
JSH 1:35
What is a Urim and Thumim?
JSH 1:37
Discuss the either of neither root nor branch.
JSH 1:39
What does the phrase, "and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers," mean?
2 Joel 28-
What are some of your thoughts and insights on this prophecy?
JSH 1:45
Why was it necessary for Moroni to come multiple times?
JSH 1:46
What is indigent circumstances?
What financial state was the Smith Family in at this time?
Read Joseph family bio.
JSH 1:54
Note Joseph Smith's mother's journal about Joseph's experience during the time before he received the plates.
D&C 2:1
Reference and discuss D&C 110:12-15
D&C 2:2
What are the promises?
What is this and why is this generation most prepared for this?
D&C 2:3
Why would the earth be wasted?
See note
Closing Prayer
Opening Prayer
Scripture- Tama Tuitama
JSH 1:28
How do you Joseph Smith would have felt about being persecuted by those who ought to have been his friends?
Why are good friend important for you to obtain and be?
How would you react if you were persecuted by friends and people older than you at this stage in your life?
JSH 1:29
What is the purpose of Guilt?
JSH 1:33
Where have we seen a fulfillment of this prophecy?
JSH 1:35
What is a Urim and Thumim?
JSH 1:37
Discuss the either of neither root nor branch.
JSH 1:39
What does the phrase, "and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers," mean?
2 Joel 28-
What are some of your thoughts and insights on this prophecy?
JSH 1:45
Why was it necessary for Moroni to come multiple times?
JSH 1:46
What is indigent circumstances?
What financial state was the Smith Family in at this time?
Read Joseph family bio.
JSH 1:54
Note Joseph Smith's mother's journal about Joseph's experience during the time before he received the plates.
D&C 2:1
Reference and discuss D&C 110:12-15
D&C 2:2
What are the promises?
What is this and why is this generation most prepared for this?
D&C 2:3
Why would the earth be wasted?
See note
Closing Prayer
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Seminary Agenda-Friday 9/5/2014 The Role of the Lerner/Scripture Mastery
Opening Hymn
Opening Prayer
Scripture- Treyton Stratton
D&C 88:118
What words or phrases describe our responsibility in gospel learning?
We are familiar with what it means to seek learning "by sudy." What do you think it means to seek learning "also by faith"?
David A Bednar Stated:
Learning by faith requires spiritual, mental, and physical exertion and not just passive reception...
...A student must exercise faith and act in Order to obtain the knowledge for himself or herself.
What phrase that we have been sharing in class sums up this quote?
D&C 50 helps us better understand our role as a learner of the Gospel
D&C 50:13-14
This scripture was given to those ordained to teach the gospel to others.
According to these verses, what is the responsibility of the teacher of the gospel?
What is the responsibility of the spirit, or comforter?
D&C 50:19-21
According to these verses, what responsibility does the learner have?
JSH 1:8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 18
How did Joseph make an effort to learn spiritual truths.
Scripture Mastery and cookies
Opening Prayer
Scripture- Treyton Stratton
D&C 88:118
What words or phrases describe our responsibility in gospel learning?
We are familiar with what it means to seek learning "by sudy." What do you think it means to seek learning "also by faith"?
David A Bednar Stated:
Learning by faith requires spiritual, mental, and physical exertion and not just passive reception...
...A student must exercise faith and act in Order to obtain the knowledge for himself or herself.
What phrase that we have been sharing in class sums up this quote?
D&C 50 helps us better understand our role as a learner of the Gospel
D&C 50:13-14
This scripture was given to those ordained to teach the gospel to others.
According to these verses, what is the responsibility of the teacher of the gospel?
What is the responsibility of the spirit, or comforter?
D&C 50:19-21
According to these verses, what responsibility does the learner have?
JSH 1:8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 18
How did Joseph make an effort to learn spiritual truths.
Scripture Mastery and cookies
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Seminary Agenda- Thursday 9/4/2014 JSH 1:21-26
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Scripture- Kennedy Larsen
JSH 1:15-20
What is significant about the light descending gradually, how does that describe God?
What did Joseph See?
What Doctrines does this verse reveal?
What were the first words God Spoke? Why is that important?
President Hinckley Account of the young man who joined the church and everything going wrong.
JSH 1:21
Have you ever been treated unkindly or similar to Joseph because of your religious beliefs?
Who initiated much of the persecution against Joseph Smith?
JSH 1:24
What is significant about Joseph associating himself and his feelings to Paul the apostle?
Principle: During difficult times, we can draw strength from the examples of faithful individuals in the scriptures.
2 Corinthians 11:23-27
How can this help us in our lives?
"I had seen a vision; I knew it, and i knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it"
What does this phrase teach you about Joseph Smith's testimony of the First Vision?
How can you gain a witness that Joseph Smith actually saw God the Father and Jesus Christ?
Review: Learn, Act, Share
President Hinckley statement 2nd part.
What blessings came to Joseph Smith because he believed the promise from James?
Opening Prayer
Scripture- Kennedy Larsen
JSH 1:15-20
What is significant about the light descending gradually, how does that describe God?
What did Joseph See?
What Doctrines does this verse reveal?
What were the first words God Spoke? Why is that important?
President Hinckley Account of the young man who joined the church and everything going wrong.
JSH 1:21
Have you ever been treated unkindly or similar to Joseph because of your religious beliefs?
Who initiated much of the persecution against Joseph Smith?
JSH 1:24
What is significant about Joseph associating himself and his feelings to Paul the apostle?
Principle: During difficult times, we can draw strength from the examples of faithful individuals in the scriptures.
2 Corinthians 11:23-27
How can this help us in our lives?
"I had seen a vision; I knew it, and i knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it"
What does this phrase teach you about Joseph Smith's testimony of the First Vision?
How can you gain a witness that Joseph Smith actually saw God the Father and Jesus Christ?
Review: Learn, Act, Share
President Hinckley statement 2nd part.
What blessings came to Joseph Smith because he believed the promise from James?
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Seminary Agenda-Wednesday 9/3/2014
Opening Song-
Opening Prayer-
Scripture- Connor Hall
“Two [missionaries] called at the home of Mr. Elmer Pollard. … They presented their message and asked if he would join in prayer. He agreed, on the provision that he could offer the prayer.
“The prayer he offered astonished the missionaries. He said, ‘Heavenly Father, bless these two unfortunate, misguided missionaries, that they may return to their homes and not waste their time telling the people of Canada about a message which is so fantastic and about which they know so little.’
“As they arose from their knees, Mr. Pollard asked the missionaries never to return to his home. As they left, he said mockingly to them, ‘You can’t tell me you really believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, anyway!’ and he slammed the door” (“The Prophet Joseph Smith: Teacher by Example,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2005, 69).
If you are one of those missionaries, what would you have said Mr. Pollard?
How can someone know for themselves that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God?
Joseph Smith history-1:1-2
What were reasons Joseph Smith gave for writing his history and the history of the church?
According to verse one, What was circulating among the people during the early days of the church?
What can we learn from Joseph Smith reason for writing his history that can help us avoid being seen by false or misleading information?
What are credible sources?
How do you discern a false teaching?
How can reading Joseph Smith's own words help someone know the truth about his experience?
How can you know the truth about Joseph Smith being call as a prophet?
According to Elder Neil L Anderson
“There have always been a few who want to discredit the Church and to destroy faith. Today they use the Internet. “Some of the information about the Church, no matter how convincing, is just not true” (“Trial of Your Faith,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 41).
Elder Dallin H. Oaks said the following:
“Latter-day Saint readers should … be … sophisticated in their evaluation of what they read. …
“Our individual, personal testimonies are based on the witness of the Spirit, not on any combination or accumulation of historical facts. If we are so grounded, no alteration of historical facts can shake our testimonies. Our Heavenly Father gave us powers of reason, and we are expected to use them to the fullest. But he also gave us the Comforter, who he said would lead us into truth and by whose power we may know the truth of all things. That is the ultimate guide for Latter-day Saints who are worthy and willing to rely on it” (“Reading Church History” [address to CES religious educators, Aug. 16, 1985], 7, ).
What stood out to you about these two statements?
Joseph Smith wrote the account of the 1st vision in 1838 as part of an official history of the church. There are 9 known accounts of the first visoin-4 were dictated by Joseph Smith, five written by others retelling his experience. In these accounts, Joseph Smith emphasized different aspects of the experience of the first vision, but the accounts all agree in the essential truth that Joseph Smith did indeed have the heavens opened to him and see divine messengers, including God the father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Because the 1838 account was part of Joseph Smith's official history and testimony to the world, it was included in the pearl of great price as scripture.
Reference Joseph Smith's recitals of the first vision
Read Joseph Smith history 1:5-13
How did Joseph feel as a result of the religious excitement that surrounded him?
What were some of the questions he was struggling with?
Have any of you ever asked similar questions? What did you do to resolve them?
Read JSH 1:11
Where did Joseph turn for help in answering his questions?
What principle taught in James 1:5 helped Joseph Smith have confidence that he could find answers to the questions he had?
Read JSH 1:14-15
Why do you think Satan tried to stop Joseph Smith from praying?
Write on the board
Joseph Smith saw God the father and Jesus Christ
Why is it important to have a testimony that Joseph Smith saw God the father and his Son, Jesus Christ?
How do you know that Joseph Smith saw God the father and his Son, Jesus Christ
Pattern of Testimony
Learn, Act, Share
What are some principles we learn from Joseph Smith's first vision?
Finish Mr. Pollard Story
[Mr. Pollard later testified:] ‘That evening, sleep would not come. I tossed and turned. Over and over in my mind I heard the words, “Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I know it. … I know it. … I know it.” I could scarcely wait for morning to come. I telephoned the missionaries. … They returned, and this time my wife, my family, and I joined in the discussion as earnest seekers of truth. As a result, we have all embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ’” (“The Prophet Joseph Smith: Teacher by Example,” 69).
Ask students to testify
Opening Prayer-
Scripture- Connor Hall
“Two [missionaries] called at the home of Mr. Elmer Pollard. … They presented their message and asked if he would join in prayer. He agreed, on the provision that he could offer the prayer.
“The prayer he offered astonished the missionaries. He said, ‘Heavenly Father, bless these two unfortunate, misguided missionaries, that they may return to their homes and not waste their time telling the people of Canada about a message which is so fantastic and about which they know so little.’
“As they arose from their knees, Mr. Pollard asked the missionaries never to return to his home. As they left, he said mockingly to them, ‘You can’t tell me you really believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, anyway!’ and he slammed the door” (“The Prophet Joseph Smith: Teacher by Example,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2005, 69).
If you are one of those missionaries, what would you have said Mr. Pollard?
How can someone know for themselves that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God?
Joseph Smith history-1:1-2
What were reasons Joseph Smith gave for writing his history and the history of the church?
According to verse one, What was circulating among the people during the early days of the church?
What can we learn from Joseph Smith reason for writing his history that can help us avoid being seen by false or misleading information?
What are credible sources?
How do you discern a false teaching?
How can reading Joseph Smith's own words help someone know the truth about his experience?
How can you know the truth about Joseph Smith being call as a prophet?
According to Elder Neil L Anderson
“There have always been a few who want to discredit the Church and to destroy faith. Today they use the Internet. “Some of the information about the Church, no matter how convincing, is just not true” (“Trial of Your Faith,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 41).
Elder Dallin H. Oaks said the following:
“Latter-day Saint readers should … be … sophisticated in their evaluation of what they read. …
“Our individual, personal testimonies are based on the witness of the Spirit, not on any combination or accumulation of historical facts. If we are so grounded, no alteration of historical facts can shake our testimonies. Our Heavenly Father gave us powers of reason, and we are expected to use them to the fullest. But he also gave us the Comforter, who he said would lead us into truth and by whose power we may know the truth of all things. That is the ultimate guide for Latter-day Saints who are worthy and willing to rely on it” (“Reading Church History” [address to CES religious educators, Aug. 16, 1985], 7, ).
What stood out to you about these two statements?
Joseph Smith wrote the account of the 1st vision in 1838 as part of an official history of the church. There are 9 known accounts of the first visoin-4 were dictated by Joseph Smith, five written by others retelling his experience. In these accounts, Joseph Smith emphasized different aspects of the experience of the first vision, but the accounts all agree in the essential truth that Joseph Smith did indeed have the heavens opened to him and see divine messengers, including God the father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Because the 1838 account was part of Joseph Smith's official history and testimony to the world, it was included in the pearl of great price as scripture.
Reference Joseph Smith's recitals of the first vision
Read Joseph Smith history 1:5-13
How did Joseph feel as a result of the religious excitement that surrounded him?
What were some of the questions he was struggling with?
Have any of you ever asked similar questions? What did you do to resolve them?
Read JSH 1:11
Where did Joseph turn for help in answering his questions?
What principle taught in James 1:5 helped Joseph Smith have confidence that he could find answers to the questions he had?
Read JSH 1:14-15
Why do you think Satan tried to stop Joseph Smith from praying?
Write on the board
Joseph Smith saw God the father and Jesus Christ
Why is it important to have a testimony that Joseph Smith saw God the father and his Son, Jesus Christ?
How do you know that Joseph Smith saw God the father and his Son, Jesus Christ
Pattern of Testimony
Learn, Act, Share
What are some principles we learn from Joseph Smith's first vision?
Finish Mr. Pollard Story
[Mr. Pollard later testified:] ‘That evening, sleep would not come. I tossed and turned. Over and over in my mind I heard the words, “Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I know it. … I know it. … I know it.” I could scarcely wait for morning to come. I telephoned the missionaries. … They returned, and this time my wife, my family, and I joined in the discussion as earnest seekers of truth. As a result, we have all embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ’” (“The Prophet Joseph Smith: Teacher by Example,” 69).
Ask students to testify
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