Monday, September 15, 2014

Agenda Tuesday, September 16, 2014 - doctrine and covenants 4

Opening song
Opening prayer
Scripture-Noah Prusse

1. If we serve God with all of our heart might mind and strength we may stay in blameless before him at the last day.
2. As we labor diligently to bring others into Jesus Christ, we can also receive salvation for ourselves.
3. Our efforts to develop divine attributes will help us qualify to assist in the work of the Lord.

Have you ever felt the desire to serve God and wanted to know his will regarding how you could best assistant doing his work?

Explain about Joseph Smith's father's desire to help in the work.

What word the Lord used to describe the restoration of the Gospel in the latter days?

In what ways was the restoration of the Gospel "marvelous"?

Read doctrine and covenants 4:2, looking for what the Lord asks of those who embark in his service?

What does the word embark mean?

According to this verse, what does the Lord expect of those who serve him?

What does it mean to do something with all your heart, might, mind and strength?

What actions are attributes might you expect to seeing a person who is striving to serve God with all of his heart, might, mind, and strength?

According to Doctrine and covenants 4:2 what blessing comes from serving God with all of your heart might mind and strength?

What might it feel like to stand in God's presence and be blameless?

Doctrine and covenants 4:3, look for attribute the individuals need in order to assist the Lord and his work.

What attribute does a person need to have in order to assist the Lord and his work?

What calling was Joseph Smith Senior being called to?

In addition to full-time missionary service what are some ways in which we can assist the Lord and his work?

Grain object lesson

Read doctrine and covenants 4:4 in this verse the Lord compares the people of the world to a field of grain, look for how the Lord describes the field.

What does the Lord say about his field (or the people of the world)?

What do you think is the meaning of the phrase "the field is white already to harvest"?

Sickle drawing

What do you think it means to thrust in your sickle with all your might?

According to doctrine and covenants 4:4 what blessing comes to those who labor diligently to bring others to Jesus Christ?

How does helping others, to Jesus Christ help us, to him as well?

Name a few occupations and qualifications for those occupations.

Doctrine and covenants 4:5 look for the attributes to qualify a person to assist in the Lords work.

Doctrine and covenants 4:6 note any additional attributes.

How my developing each of the attributes inverses 5-6 help us be more effective in assisting in the Lords work?

Which of the attributes listed in these verses would you like to develop more fully? Why?

Doctrine and covenants 4:7

What does it mean to ask and knock?

How do you think prayer can help us develop divine attributes?

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