Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Agenda-Wednesday, September 17, 2014 doctrine and covenants 5

Opening hymn
Opening prayer

Update on Martin Harris
What is something you have only heard about but would like to see with your own eyes? Why would you like to see it?

Read doctrine and covenants 5:1 silently, looking for what Martin Harris wanted to see for himself.

Would you like to see the golden plates? Explain why.

Martin Harris history

Doctrine and covenants 5:2-3
Look for how the Lord told Joseph Smith to answer Martin Harris's request.

How did the Lord tell Joseph to answer Martin?

Why couldn't Joseph Smith show Martin Harris the plates?

Why has the Lord not allowed to golden plates to be displayed before the world?

According to Pres.

Joseph Fielding Smith:
frequently when people hear the story of the coming forth of the book of Mormon they ask if the plates are in some museum where they may see them. Some of them with some scientific training, suggest that if the scholars could see and examine the plates and learn to read them, they would then bear witness to the truth of the book of Mormon and the veracity of Joseph Smith, and the whole world would then be converted.

Doctrine and covenants 5:5-10, looking for why the Lord told Joseph Smith not to display the plates before the world

What reasons did the Lord give for why Joseph Smith should not display the plates before the world?

What do we learn from doctrine and covenants 5:10 about Joseph Smith's unique calling?

Why do you think it is important for us to have a testimony of this truth?

Doctrine and covenants 5:11
Looking for what the Lord said he would do to support Joseph Smith's testimony of the book of Mormon.

How is it helpful to know that in addition to Joseph Smith, the Lord called three witnesses who saw the plates and heard the Lord to clear their truthfulness?

In addition to directing Joseph Smith and the three witnesses to bear testimony, the Lord provided another means by which we can know of the truthfulness of the book of Mormon.

Doctrine and covenants 5:16-18, looking for what the Lord promised those who believe in the book of Mormon.

What did the Lord say he would send upon those who believe his words?

Statement by Ezra Taft Benson:
We each need to get our own testimony of the book of Mormon to the Holy Ghost. Then her testimony, coupled with the book of Mormon, should be shared with others so that they, too, can know through the Holy Ghost of its truthfulness.

Write in your journals your testimony of the book of Mormon, or what you can do to gain a testimony and strengthen their witness of the book of Mormon.

Doctrine and covenants 5:21-22, replace the name Joseph with your own name. What is the Lord teaching in these verses?

How can someone avoid yielding, "to the persuasions of men"?

What did the Lord promised the Joseph Smith would receive if he would be faithful even if he was slain?

Draw a lightbulb, what do we have to do to make the lightbulb work?
Just like there are several steps to turning on a light bulb, Martin Harris learned that there would be several steps to receiving the witness of the plates he desired from the Lord.

Doctrine and covenants 5:23-24, looking for the conditional promise the Lord gave to Martin Harris using the words if and then.

What do you think it means to pray and humility, faith, and sincerity?

How do you think praying with humility faith and sincerity might prepare us to receive answers from the Lord?

Doctrine and covenants 5:25-26, look for what the Lord expected Martin Harris to do after becoming a witness to the book of Mormon.

Doctrine and covenants 5:27-28, 32, look for additional counsel and warnings that the Lord gave to Martin Harris.

What did Laura Council award Martin Harris to do?

What does the Lord say will happen tomorrow and hear us if he does not humble himself and receive a witness from the Lord?

How might we relate the counseling doctrine and covenants 5:32 to ourselves?

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