Monday, September 8, 2014

Seminary Agenda - Tuesday 9/9/2014 D&C 2, JSH Finish

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

JSH 1:39
What does the phrase, "and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers," mean?

2 Joel 28-
What are some of your thoughts and insights on this prophecy?

JSH 1:45
Why was it necessary for Moroni to come multiple times?

JSH 1:46
What is indigent circumstances?

What financial state was the Smith Family in at this time?
Read Joseph family bio.

JSH 1:54
Note Joseph Smith's mother's journal about Joseph's experience during the time before he received the plates.

D&C 2:1
Reference and discuss D&C 110:12-15

D&C 2:2
What are the promises?
What is this and why is this generation most prepared for this?

D&C 2:3
Why would the earth be wasted?
See note

Why is labor and continuous labor so important to God?

What is a comfortable maintenance and why could that be important?

Why is it important to trust in the Lord's timing?

Why did God charge Joseph Smith to be responsible for the plates?  Could not protect them on his own?

Why do you think the persecution and the striving to find the plates by the enemy increase?

Why did Satan not want this book to come forth?

Why do you think God took the book back?

Urim and Thumim statement from Elder Maxwell

Charles Anton discussion and Statement
Isaiah 29:11-12

Closing prayer

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